NASA’s “Mars 2020” Mission: Why We’re Not There Live Despite Live Streaming


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Today NASA’s “Perseverance” Mars rover lands and we can follow the Mars landing on live broadcast. Still, we won’t be able to be there live, why?

  • Of the On-Rover „Perseverance“ lands on Mars today (February 18, 2021).
  • the Landing on mars can be done in Live broadcast follow, continue – Live can you see that Land maneuver However, no.
  • You can find news about Mars and news about space research on our thematic pages.

It has almost 470 million kilometers On mission “March 2020” from last summer to Mars covered. You are now in the last part of your long journey. On February 18, 2021, the space probe should Rover “Perseverance” Release on Mars.

the Landing on mars You can’t, just because of the great distance between Earth and Mars. Live look, but they will be numerous Live broadcasts who closely follow the event. The American space agency Potthat he Rover “Perseverance” on July 30, 2020 on the long trip to Mars sent, of course, will accompany the big event in detail. At 8:15 pm the English speakers Live broadcast among others in Youtube and start facebook.

The photo provided by the US space agency NASA shows the Jezero crater.

© Jpl-Caltech / dpa

Landing of Mars on live broadcast: NASA broadcasts the event on the Internet

Who Landing on Mars If you prefer to see it with explanations in German, you will also find it: The Planetarium Foundation is planning one Live broadcast about landing on Mars in German language. The experts should be in Live broadcast in previous research on the Mars report and the On mission Rovers “Perseverance” explain. Just before Landing on Mars should stop Live broadcast NASA changed – where the landing maneuver Live can be traced.

9:38 pm The Rover Perseverance separates from the so-called cruise stage
9.48 pm The rover enters the Martian atmosphere with its heat shield: the seven minutes of horror begin
9.49 pm The rover runs through the Martian atmosphere at a speed of around 19,000 km / h. Small engines help keep you on track
21.50 hours The rover’s autonomous control systems correct any deviation from the target
9:52 pm Distance from the landing point: approx. 21 kilometers. With a speed of 1,700 km / h, the rover lines up correctly.
9:52 pm The rover’s parachute opens and slows the spacecraft further, up to about 260 km / h.
9:52 pm 20 seconds later: the rover separates from the heat shield. The rover’s camera, microphones, and other instruments now begin recording. Start the radar and navigation system.
9:53 pm Distance from landing point: approx. 5 kilometers. The navigation system uses the environment to determine the correct heading of the mobile.
9:54 pm The rover’s descent engines come on and slow down further.
9:54 pm During the last 20 meters, the vehicle has a speed of approximately 3.2 km / h.
9:54 pm The Skycrane maneuver begins: the rover is tied with long cables to the ground.
9:55 pm Landing: The wheels of the Perseverance rover touch the ground of Mars, the Skycrane drifts away and lands at some distance.
The times correspond to the times when the signals reach the earth. Everything happens 11 minutes and 22 seconds earlier on Mars. What: NASA

Why can’t you see the Mars landing live

In fact, you shouldn’t make one Live Images of Mars suppose. The red planet is currently more than 200 million kilometers from Earth, according to the Pot you need the landing the rover for exactly 11 minutes and 22 seconds until a signal from the Mars comes to earth. Since Live so there can be no doubt. In addition, all NASA efforts are focused on landing the vehicle safely; the vehicle’s instruments are not activated until the end of the landing maneuver. NASA employees in the control center receive data from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) space probe, which observes the landing from orbit of Mars and sends information back to Earth. These are not images.

Who Mars landing on live stream You will often see the NASA control center and people watching screens so they don’t miss important signals from Mars. the Pot Will be in Live broadcast however, the animations most likely show how Landing on mars it should look like. Also, you should Live watch when the first signs of Rover “Perseverance” in the control center of the Pot arrive.

But then it is time to wait tense: The “seven minutes of horror” did not get their name in vain. The name comes from the fact that the Landing on mars takes about seven minutes, and the first signs of this only reach Earth when all the Landing on Mars it’s already over. The FR accompanies the landing of the rover “Mars 2020” “Perseverance” on the live ticker.

NASA’s “Perseverance” rover will geologically explore Mars

If the challenging Mars landing is successful, it should Rover “Perseverance” geologically examine the red planet. The background of the investigation is, as always with missions to the red planet, if the Mars It was once friendly to life, or maybe it still is today.

NASA’s “Perseverance” rover is positioned on Mars using the “Skycrane” maneuver. It is the end of the “Seven minutes of terror”. NASA will show the landing on Mars in a live broadcast.

© dpa / Nasa

The “perseverance” is according to the Pot the “largest, heaviest, cleanest, and most technically sophisticated six-wheeler geologist ever launched into space.” It weighs about a ton and is three meters long. Homeless cost. On board are, among other things, seven scientific instruments, 23 cameras and a laser. Also has a tech demo “Perseverance” at the same time: The little “Ingenuity” helicopter is supposed to show whether flights are possible in the thin atmosphere of Mars.

Exploring Mars: Numerous devices are exploring the planet

Of the On-Rover „Perseverance“ and its companion “Ingenuity” are not the only devices that support the Mars should explore. In February, the Arab space probe “Hope” and the Chinese probe “Tianwen-1” are already in Orbits around Mars turned inward. While the first Arab space probe “Hope” Mars should only explore from orbit, the Chinese space probe “Tianwen-1” will also be one in a few months Homeless about him Mars depress.

In addition, the “Curiosity” rover, which has been active since 2012, and the “InSight” stationary lander, which landed in 2018, are investigating the surface of Mars, and eight orbiters from six nations are currently orbiting the red planet. One of these orbiters recently discovered water vapor in the Martian atmosphere. (Tanja’s banner)

Rubriclistenbild: © dpa / Nasa
