Astrazeneca: corona vaccine side effects – that’s why there’s criticism



  • Clinic employees complain of serious side effects such as fever, muscle pain and headaches after a corona vaccination with the Astrazeneca vaccine.
  • Due to its lower effectiveness and increasing reports of side effects, there has been criticism of the Astrazeneca vaccine.
  • However, virologist Christian Drosten and Health Minister Jens Spahn expressly recommend vaccination with the Astrazeneca vaccine.
  • Read here if doubts about the vaccine are justified

Around 30 employees of a clinic in Lower Saxony have requested Corona vaccine reported sick. They complained of headache, fatigue and fever after vaccination. A total of 194 employees, including nurses and doctors, were with the last week Astrazeneca vaccine has been vaccinated, so the sponsoring company of the Emden Clinic on Monday.

Also in Sweden, hospital employees reported reactions to vaccines. Last week, 400 employees in the province of Sörmland received the drug from Astrazeneca. According to the Swedish public broadcaster SVT, around 100 had been vaccinated Side effects like fever. As a result, there were staff shortages in the hospitals. Sörmland province stopped vaccination with the vaccine.

Corona vaccine – More about vaccines:

Astrazeneca: many skip vaccination appointments

There is great skepticism about the vaccine from the British-Swedish pharmaceutical company Astrazeneca. Saarland Health Minister Monika Bachmann (CDU) criticized one on Monday unwillingness to vaccinate with the vaccine. Last weekend, 54 percent of the 200 people who had signed up to receive a vaccine did not show up for a “special vaccination in the medical field” without having to cancel the appointment beforehand.

“I mean this is not a commissioned concert. That all vaccines are approved and are good, “said the minister. According to the minister, there are corresponding reports from all federal states. That is why he put the issue on the agenda of the next ministerial health conference.

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RKI: Only 64,869 doses of 736,800 inoculated

Hundreds of scheduled vaccination appointments with the Astrazeneca product were also carried out in North Rhine-Westphalia. In the state of North Rhine alone, according to the NRW Health Ministry, around 600 appointments were not accepted or missed between the start of vaccination on February 10 and February 15.

The number is the result of the difference between 18,103 planned vaccinations and 17,487 that were carried out in the area of ​​the North Rhine Statutory Health Insurance Physicians Association. This corresponds to a share of around 3.4 percent, a ministry spokeswoman said late Wednesday after a request from the German press agency. The “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger” also reports that around 600 people missed a vaccination appointment during this period.

On Tuesday, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced that of the 736,800 doses of vaccination administered so far, only 64,869 doses had been vaccinated in Germany.

Doubts about the effectiveness and side effects.

The Astrazeneca corona vaccine was initially considered Bearer of hope: It is cheaper and easier to store than Biontech and Moderna fabrics. The World Health Organization (WHO) granted emergency approval for the vaccine on Monday.

But Doubts about the vaccine multiply. According to current studies, the substance from the British-Swedish company is “only” 70 percent effective, and therefore about 20 percent less than the Biontech and Moderna vaccines.

However, this value is misleading because it does not mean that almost half of the people will be infected with the virus despite being vaccinated. Rather, it means that the chance of infection after vaccination is 60 percent lower. This is a maximum value that annual vaccinations against the common flu, for example, rarely reach.

Astrazeneca not for people over 65 years of age

However, at the end of January, the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced that it was advising against the use of the Astrazeneca corona vaccine in people over 65 because the drug was not effective enough in people. older they are. The council is still being implemented in Germany today.

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Furthermore, one study found that the agent is not completely effective against the crown mutant, which was first discovered in South Africa. In addition, there are now also reports of side effects after vaccination with the drug Astrazeneca.

The Paul Ehrlich Institute checks for evidence of strong side effects

The person responsible for the control of vaccines. Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) is now examining the evidence for unexpectedly strong side effects with the Astrazenca and Biontech / Pfizer corona vaccines: “The Drug Safety Unit at the Paul Ehrlich Institute is investigating whether the reported reactions go beyond what was observed in trials. and yes, if so, the reasons for it are recognizable, ”a PEI spokeswoman told our editorial team.

From clinical trials it is known, in principle, that the Astrazeneca vaccine is reactogenic, that is, it often triggers vaccination reactions, and also that with the two approved mRNA vaccines from Biontech / Pfizer and Moderna, the reactions can be more strong after the second dose. On Thursday, according to the spokeswoman, the federal institute intends to evaluate and classify all the cases that were reported until February 14 inclusive in the current security report.

Also according to the RKI you can Vaccination reactions they occur in both the Biontech / Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines and the vector-based Astrazeneca vaccine. They generally start shortly after vaccination and last a few days. The most common side effects of the Astrazeneca vaccine are fatigue, headaches, and feeling sick.

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Spahn and Drosten defend the vaccine

The Berlin Virologist Christian drosten however, he says the Astrazeneca vaccine is better than its reputation. “When I look at the public discussion in Germany, a lot has been misunderstood,” Drosten said on the latest episode of the NDR podcast “The Coronavirus Update.” Communication from the vaccine developers was unsuccessful. Oxford University, which helped develop the vaccine, released bits of data that were too small too early, drawing hasty conclusions.

Drosten spoke out in favor of building on what he believed to be the “very good” Astrazeneca vaccine in this country. “We have to do everything possible to vaccinate as quickly as possible,” said the virologist.

The Federal Minister of Health made a similar statement. Jens spahn RTL TV station. He stressed that the three vaccines approved in Germany are safe and provide effective protection against Covid 19 disease. When asked if Spahn would also be vaccinated with the Astrazeneca vaccine, Spahn said: “Yes, I would be vaccinated if they offered me one. vaccine. Expressly also with Astrazeneca. It is a safe and effective vaccine. “

Doctors suggest revaccination with another vaccine.

Due to growing skepticism about the Astrazeneca vaccine, immunologists have now suggested ensuring that this vaccine is re-vaccinated with another active ingredient. “The immunity that was triggered by the Astrazeneca vaccine can later be strengthened with an mRNA vaccine without any problems,” said General Secretary of the German Immunology Society Carsten Watzl of the “Augsburger Allgemeine”.

“It would be easy for the federal government to guarantee a new vaccination with an mRNA vaccine if there is scientific evidence that people would be better protected as a result,” Watzl said. “Immunologically, this is not a problem, because so far all approved vaccines are based on the so-called coronavirus spike protein.”

The immunologist advises: Do not vaccinate all employees at the same time.

Reactions to the vaccine, for example in the cases reported in Emden, “are not at all unexpected,” says Christian Bogdan, an infection immunologist from Erlangen. “Symptoms are an expression of the immune response, showing that something is actually happening in the body after vaccination. The symptoms mentioned here, such as headache or fever, also fully correspond to what has already been published in studies, ”says Bogdan.

In addition to local effects, these systemic effects could also mean that employees might temporarily not work due to the above symptoms, the scientist explained. Besides that, only in younger people Reactions to vaccination were more pronounced because, unlike older people, they had more active immune systems.

In the context of these well-known vaccination reactions to previously approved Covid-19 vaccines, it is therefore sensible not to vaccinate all employees in a room, department or clinic at the same time. “I would not do that with any other vaccine known to trigger a significant vaccination reaction,” says Bogdan.

Manufacturer Astrazeneca: Reactions to vaccines are as expected

Of the Manufacturer Astrazeneca commented in a statement on side effects: “Currently, the reported reactions are what we would expect based on the findings from our clinical trial program.” Therefore, they included temporary local reactions such as injection site pain and systemic reactions such as mild headaches, fatigue, chills and malaise. These reactions most often occur one day after vaccination; after a second dose, they are less common.

In Germany they are 113 people died after Covid-19 vaccinationn. The Paul Ehrlich Institute investigates all cases. In 50 deaths, the cause remained unclear because an autopsy was not possible; family members refused. The obvious explanation for the deaths is the average age of the deceased: 85 years. This is a group that is statistically at high risk of dying early; also due to frequent previous illnesses. To date, no evidence has been provided (or known) that anyone has died as a result of the vaccination. (with san / dpa)

Crown – More information on the subject
