Corona at Froneri: not all employees come to the test | – Nachrichten – Lower Saxony


Status: 02/18/2021 9:07 am

After a large corona outbreak at an ice cream factory in Osnabrück, the city had the workforce tested again. But not all the employees came.

Around 460 women and men should have turned up at the facility on Wednesday, 70 were missing, NDR 1 Lower Saxony reported. Therefore, the health service will organize a new test date, said the president of Corona’s crisis team, Katharina Pötter. You don’t expect the first results of yesterday’s PCR tests until this afternoon at the earliest.

Three people with a British virus mutation

So far, the infection had been detected in 210 of the approximately 850 employees. The much more contagious British mutation B.1.1.7 was found in three cases. The crown outbreak is one of the largest in Lower Saxony to date. Therefore, around 1,000 people are currently in quarantine. The dimension is comparable to buds in Slaughterhouses last year “and it has to be taken very seriously,” said a spokesman for the Lower Saxony Ministry of Social Affairs.


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The authorities do not review hygiene concepts

The health service is currently determining how the virus came into operation. One thing is already certain: regular checks in such establishments are not possible, the health service told NDR 1 Lower Saxony. And hygiene concepts are not controlled by the authorities either.

The outbreak increases the value of the incidence

The massive outbreak at the ice factory is a major setback in the fight against the pandemic across the region. Last week, the seven-day incidence per 100,000 population had been below the 50 mark for several consecutive days. That is over: overnight, the incidence value in the city increased and is now just under 117 (as of February 17).

Location closed until at least February 26

The first cases at the ice cream factory were discovered last week. As a result, Froneri stopped production and established a test center. The company itself spoke of an “ultra-fast contagion effect that hit the site completely.” The location will be closed until at least February 26.

Various hygiene measures in the factory.

Froneri claimed to have implemented the hygiene concepts and adapted them repeatedly. The distances between work areas have been increased, ventilation has been optimized and work processes have been adapted to avoid groups of people. In addition, a distance of two meters and a general mask requirement apply in all departments.

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A swab is kept in a corona test facility.  © picture alliance / dpa Photo: Britta Pedersen

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Regional Osnabrück | 02/18/2021 | 08:30 am.

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