Trump again accuses Biden administration of election fraud


Because of his unsubstantiated claim that his election victory was stolen, Trump has long been massively criticized, and will soon be in court as well. But the former president does not give up.

Even four weeks after leaving the White House, former US President Donald Trump claims his victory was stolen from him in the November presidential election. Trump spoke by phone on Fox News on Wednesday, actually to pay tribute to the late conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh. Trump again used the media presence, albeit rare, to spread his unsubstantiated allegations of voter fraud.

“Rush thought we had won. Me too,” Trump said. “He was pretty mad about it.” Many people feel that way. “You don’t even know how angry this country is.” What happened was a shame.

Trump had not recognized the clear victory of Democrat Joe Biden in the November 3 presidential election. He never presented evidence of election tampering. His field failed with dozens of lawsuits against the outcome of the elections.

Democrats see the allegations as a trigger for a storm on Capitol Hill

American Democrats accuse Trump of deliberately beginning to sow suspicion and thus incite his base long before the presidential election in November. After the elections, he launched a campaign against his defeat, which finally culminated in the outbreak of violence in the United States Capitol in early January.

Trump supporters stormed the congressional seat on January 6. Parliament met there to certify Biden’s electoral victory. Five people were killed in the riots, including a police officer. Trump had recently incited his supporters at a rally that they had stolen his election victory. Democrats in the United States Congress accused Trump of “inciting a riot” and initiated impeachment proceedings against him, among other things, to ban him from future charges. Over the weekend, Trump was acquitted by the Senate in the process.
