25,000 cases: SPD asks for a picture of the fraud situation with emergency help from Corona


BCorona’s emergency aid in the significant triple-digit millions has been misled in around 25,000 cases through false information. Following the WELT AM SONNTAG report, the search for the culprits begins.

The Ministry of Economy, led by Peter Altmaier (CDU), launched the immediate program and the banks of the federal states disbursed the funds. The Altmaier house, therefore, blames the federal states.

But who is to blame for the fiasco? Florian Toncar, insider for the FDP and legal expert in the Bundestag, cannot understand the game of the ball. “The responsible ministers Peter Altmaier and Olaf Scholz must immediately convene a federal-state summit to determine how the money stolen by fraud can be recovered”, demands Toncar.

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The scale of the fraud is much larger than the number of cases shows. “That’s just a small consequence,” says Jochen Sindberg, who heads the white-collar crime department at the Berlin State Criminal Police Office (LKA).

The authority had more than 10,000 raw reports on grant fraud. The LKA had warned about this from the beginning, by circulating on April 3, 2020.

The fiasco is particularly big in Berlin

Why did so many things go wrong, especially in the capital? Investitionsbank Berlin (IBB) paid for the aid in no time, and the prosecutor is now investigating four bank managers on suspicion of breach of trust.

Economic Affairs Senator Ramona Pop (Greens) refers to the federal government. “As the licensing office of the state of Berlin, the IBB processes applications in accordance with the implementation instructions of the federal government,” he says in his administration.

The IBB, in turn, rejects all the accusations and blames the red-red-green state government. “The IBB implemented the Corona-Aid funding program in close coordination with the Senate administrations responsible for the economy, energy and operations, as well as finance, in accordance with the resolutions of the Berlin Senate and House of Representatives.” said the bank.

Associations of mosques and Islamists benefited

To make matters worse, the Islamists in Berlin also benefited from the aid. The prosecutor, in which 50 cases are pending against Islamists and mosque associations, “expects charges soon.”

The chairman of the German Police Union, Rainer Wendt, says: “It is incredible that the extremists have also got off in Berlin. With his carelessness, the state also funds those who fight it. “

Salafists illegally collect Corona aid

In Berlin, the police searched several Salafi apartments. The suspicion: it is said that he has stolen several thousand euros through a fraud with the emergency aid of Corona. There are even connections to the Breitscheidplatz stop.

Blame the Senate for the grievances: “The Red City Council is not governed, but looted, there is no other way to call it.” However, he has little hope that the amounts will ever be recovered. The federal and state governments blame each other. “Once again, organized irresponsibility rules,” Wendt said.

The leader of the union vice-parliamentary group Thorsten Frei (CDU) also goes to court with the Berlin Senate: “In view of the enormous backlog of cases in the federal capital, one must seriously wonder if the red-red-green Senate is in a position to implement such a program to be managed sensibly, ”says Frei. In Berlin, the prosecution has so far registered 2,600 cases of suspected fraud.

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The Vice President of the Police Union (GdP), Jörg Radek, is critical: “Fraudulent crime has adapted to the pandemic, criminals are reacting to the exceptional situation. Wherever there is money involved, scammers quickly get involved. ” Finally, they must be set aside with all consistency. “It is a mistake to believe that crime is decreasing due to the Corona crisis. Just look for new ways, ”warns Radek.

Dirk Wiese, deputy leader of the SPD parliamentary group in the Bundestag, is concerned about the high number of fraud cases registered by the police. It requires that a status report be prepared for this purpose. “It is urgent to make a picture of the situation to make it clear if there are areas of organized crime involved. We have to take specific measures against the fact that criminal energy misuses important aid that has to reach honest entrepreneurs on the site, ”says Wiese.

In the area of ​​organized crime in particular, “there is still a lot to optimize.” Obviously, this is more important than simply clarifying the issue of fault.

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