Test phase fails: match escalation after relaxation in Poland


The test phase fails
Escalation of the party after relaxation in Poland

Hotels, cinemas and other facilities reopen in Poland for a two-week test phase. The relaxation is causing a massive rush to the country’s winter sports centers. Especially in the city of Zakopane, many tourists do not adhere to the rules of distance. The police must intervene.

A trial of easing the crown’s measures in Poland sparked party mood in the High Tatras over the weekend. As reported by local media, the police had to intervene repeatedly, especially in the Zakopane winter sports center.

According to information from the news channel TVN24, the city policemen had 137 missions at night only from Saturday to Sunday due to conflicts under the influence of alcohol and various violations of crown restrictions.

Television footage and Internet videos showed tight groups of celebrants dancing and singing on the Krupowki shopping and entertainment street in downtown Zakopane. “We called on people to maintain social distance and wear mouth and nose protection, but some of them reacted in an increasingly aggressive and vulgar way,” a police spokesman criticized TVN24.

Seven people were arrested Sunday night. By Monday night, the police also expected fewer incidents due to the deterrent effect of the numerous fines imposed the night before.

The Warsaw government had decided a week earlier to open hotels, cinemas and theaters, as well as outdoor sports facilities and swimming pools for a two-week trial phase starting on February 12. This had caused an avalanche at winter sports centers since Friday.

Over the weekend, hotels and guesthouses were fully booked to the maximum capacity allowed of 50 percent. The Zakopane Winter Sports Center was also the top destination for fun-seekers because a World Cup ski jump was held there on Valentine’s Day.
