Crown Summit with Merkel: Söder with a massive attack, then shatters any hope of relief


The crown vaccination summit in Berlin with Chancellor Merkel lasted several hours. The head of the CSU, Söder, is said to have attacked the EU and then shattered any hope of relief.

  • The vaccination summit, promoted by Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU), began at 2 pm in Berlin.
  • Prime Minister Markus Söder initially ruled out further relaxation after the vaccination summit in Berlin (Update February 1, 8:01 pm).
  • The head of the CSU massively attacked the EU representatives during the summit (see update of February 1 at 7:06 pm)
  • This news ticker is continually updated.

Update from February 1 at 8:01 pm: After this peak hours of vaccination is now Chancellor Merkel (CDU) along with Head of CSU South and berlin Mayor Müller (SPD) in front of Rush beaten. Even after much criticism of the Start of the corona vaccination campaign in Germany keeps Chancellor Angela Merkel in the forecast it states that a vaccination offer can be offered to all citizens before the end of summer. In the context of manufacturers’ current delivery commitments, this statement could stand, Merkel said in Berlin on Monday after a Top talk for vaccination. At the end of the third trimester, that is, at end of summer, you can make a vaccination offer. This even applies if only vaccines already approved from Biontech / Pfizer, Moderna and Astrazeneca you could get vaccinated without more vaccines being approved by then. Also in this case, the 73 million adults in this country could be offered a vaccine, vaccines are not for children. If other manufacturers join, there will be a wider range.

Crown lockdown: after summit in Berlin, Söder shatters any hope of relief

CSU-Chef Markus Söder confirmed the federal government’s vaccination plans and made clear the importance of vaccination to combat the pandemic. She is the only one only long-term strategy, that really helps. After the press conference, the journalists had the opportunity to ask their questions. It broke Prime Minister of Bavaria none Expect extensive relaxation. Be fatalloosen quickly in the middle of a confinement. He feels them too Will in the population, rather to proceed longer and stricterto do quick relaxations.

Update from February 1, 7:06 pm: It’s still working Vaccination Summit In Berlin. The chancellor has been debating for several hours Merkel (CDU), the prime ministers of the federal states, the EU and representatives of the pharmaceutical industry on the vaccination campaign against the coronavirus. As reported, the Prime Minister of Bavaria seems Markus Söder (CSU) now correctly having hit him – against the EU!

EU Commissioner for Health Stella Kyriakides (Cyprus) and Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton participated; according to the report, they would Defense of the European strategy.

Corona Summit: Söder hits the table! CSU chief gives EU representatives against

“Is going all according to plan“Quote the image the representatives. Then should The head of the CSU, Söder, burst his neck his. “I find it difficult that what we have heard from the EU as positive and adequately denote“He is supposed to have said according to the report. He goes on to say that the rest of the prime ministers were also surprised by the formulations made by the EU, then they did. Söder spoken clearly to have.

Corona: Summit in Berlin Live – More details leaked

Updated February 1 at 4:41 pm.: Further away Details from the Vaccination Summit In Berlin now seeps through. Consequently, corona vaccines in Germany should People with previous illnesses probably partially a little before may come into play than previously anticipated. Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) wants to change the requirements for corona vaccines in Germany so that the Classifications of individual clinical pictures in priority groups according to new data personalized be. Also, the age recommendation for the now also approved Astrazeneca vaccine be taken into account. That goes from one of the available dpa drought for a change in the regulation of vaccination against coronavirus.

Update February 1, 2:29 pm.: Good news before those minutes start Vaccination Summit: Deliveries of Corona vaccine for Germany it should rebound significantly throughout the year. This arises from a new panorama of the Ministry of Health, that the dpa Present.

Corona Summit on the topic of vaccines: Germany’s numbers already leaked beforehand

Then 18.3 million doses of vaccine In the stream first quarter therefore, according to a current estimate in the second bedroom expected 77.1 million cans and in third quarter 126.6 million cans different manufacturers follow. at fourth trimester there could be more 100.2 million cans his. BUT: Tales Forecasts they are always plagued with uncertainties, Changes they are not unusual, he told himself at the same time.

Update February 1, 1:36 pm: In the television talk with Anne Will, Munich businesswoman Brigitte Meier became very clear about the crown lock on Sunday night: She accused the policy of “home-style” and has tough demands.

Update February 1, 12:02 pm Before returning to Face-to-face teaching In Bavaria’s opinion, students and teachers should attend schools. Education Policy of the SPD Simone Strohmayr in Crown be tested. “Austria is setting a good example here. There are five million easy to use in there. Rapid antigen tests for schools. Such a voluntary test would also be suitable for Bavaria, ”he said in Munich on Monday.

Also, teachers should be sure FFP2 masks Strohmayr emphasized. The replacement should also be available for students who have forgotten their own masks.

Crown numbers in Bavaria are falling: Söder still doesn’t want a quick easing

Update February 1, 11:08 am.: As of now, the graduate classes in Bayern again in the Alternate lessons go (see original message). High schools found out from the press, and they’re not just mad about it. Letter of anger of Munich shows.

Update February 1, 9:46 am: Söder takes the floor before the next meeting of the CSU board of directors. “It is important that we turn our disappointment into more hope,” the Prime Minister said in reference to today. Vaccination peak and promotes “reliability”. Currently, there is too much uncertainty among the population, says Söder.

Crown lockdown in Bavaria: Söder speaks live about the current situation, excluding rapid easing

“We also have to consider how Production capabilities it can increase, it is an absolute emergency situation ”, clarifies the Prime Minister. The question also arises as to whether other providers could not be approved. Söder is promoting a “permanent exchange” on the subject Vaccinate. “We are somewhere in between in the fight against the crown in Bavaria. The numbers are not dropping as fast as they were a few weeks ago. We will continue to watch development. The big ones Relaxations currently we are not responsible, that is very clear to me ”. The next meeting of the prime ministers is scheduled for February 10.

Söder warns of one “Opening contest”, which would quickly lead to significant setbacks, and calls for a uniform approach: “Please, none Patchwork quilt; Easy to understand rules for everyone are needed ”. He doesn’t believe in a return to normalcy anytime soon, “it will continue for a while.” 50 (in Incidence value) is not automatically the number where you can redo everything as before. In recent weeks the number has always been Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) when Objective value put into play.

Update February 1, 9:42 am.: Before a CSU board meeting speaks Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder soon in one Press conference on the current situation of the pandemic. We report live.

Reduction of the crown in Bavaria: the first students return to alternate classes

Source message:

Munich – thanks to the sinking Crown-New infections than the first student in Bayern study at school again this Monday. They were at home for almost seven weeks: meetings only in the digital classroom, exercises on learning platforms, distance teachers. Well at least it says in Graduated classes again: open the mask and keep the distance as far as possible.

Since December 16 last year, Bavaria schools have been closed due to the crown, only emergency care is possible. Now classes graduating from elementary schools as well as technical schools (FOS) and vocational schools (BOS) can enter the Alternate lessons – So sometimes learning at home, then again with a small number of students in the classroom.

“Written performance assessments can also be done in full class or in course strength if a minimum distance of 1.5 meters can be maintained in the exam room,” said Minister of Culture in Munich With.

Crown lock: Bayern’s first easing raises criticism: “the problem of space threatens”

He also returns to prepare for his final exams. apprentice return to face-to-face teaching in craft trades. Because final class exams in middle schools, high schools, and business schools start later than those in high schools, for example, your students cannot return to the classroom.

the GEW Teachers Union I can’t understand the options. “Actually, the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs had planned to bring the youngest children back to class first according to the step-by-step plan, which would make sense,” said GEW State Vice President Florian Kohl . Digital learning offerings are much more difficult to implement, especially for the very young.

Reduction of the crown in Bavaria: the district has to react to a supposed mutation

Also from FDP criticism comes. “Especially in vocational schools there is a space problem due to the high proportion of final classes,” said Matthias Fischbach, spokesman for education policy of the FDP parliamentary group in the state parliament.

Due to various Suspicious cases one Crown-Mutation must take final classes in city and district Hof Unlike the rest of Bavaria, continue learning in distance lessons. In the Wunsiedel district in Fichtelgebirge, in the city and district of Bayreuth and in the town of Weiden and in the district of Neustadt an der Waldnaab, graduates should initially stay at home longer.

Bavarian Minister of Education Michael Piazolo However, (Free Voters) does not want to reopen schools for other grades until after February 14. Before this decision, however, there should be an education summit with everyone involved. Of course, it also analyzes the infection process. (lks / dpa)

Rubric list list: © Kay Nietfeld / dpa / dpa-Bildfunk
