There are no recommendations for FFP2 masks in everyday life? RKI changes the information after the introduction of a mask requirement


January 28, 2021 – 10:42 am Watch

Does the FFP2 mask protect us better or not?

From the hospital to the whole country: the FFP2 mask has had an incredible run. Originally intended for medical personnel, older people in particular like to wear filter effect masks in the corona pandemic. Since the last federal-state summit, it has become clear: the FFP2 mask will soon reach every home. Because in addition to surgical masks, it is now mandatory throughout Germany on public transport and in retail. However, it doesn’t really fit in with the mask-fitting requirement: on the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) website, private use of FFP2 masks was not explicitly recommended until the end of last week, as initially reported by the RBB. . The recommendations have now been revised. Has the RKI changed its mind?

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RKI political adviser on coronavirus

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has become an indispensable part of daily reports on the corona pandemic. As a federal institute in the business area of ​​the Federal Ministry of Health, RKI’s core tasks are the detection, prevention and control of diseases, especially infectious diseases. In the course of this, the RKI informs the public, among other things, of current infection figures and advises politicians on their decisions, including the coronavirus.

In the video: How FFP2 masks can be disinfected

Why is the government deviating from the RKI recommendation?

It was even more irritating that the federal government was apparently taking a different tack than the RKI. Because at the federal-state summit on January 19, it became known that FFP2 masks and surgical masks are now mandatory throughout Germany on public transport and in retail trade. However, as of Friday afternoon, the RKI website said:

“In the ‘Recommendations of the BAuA and the ad-hoc working group’ Covid-19 ‘of the ABAS on the use of protective masks in relation to SARS-CoV-2’ FFP2 masks are not recommended for private use. “

According to the RKI, if the FFP2 masks are used as intended, a medical check-up should be offered in advance to exclude risks that may arise due to increased respiratory resistance.

Also, the mask does not provide sufficient protection if it is not used correctly. “The protective effect of the FFP2 mask is only fully guaranteed if it is worn continuously and tightly.” This is not necessarily the case for the laity.

RKI Change Recommendations

Anyone who now clicks on RKI’s recommendations for the FFP2 mask will see that the recommendations have been adapted here. There is no longer any doubt that the FFP2 mask is not recommended for private use. Is the RKI rowing now?

Partially. Because by not recommending FFP2 masks for private use, the RKI referred to statements from the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA). Because they had changed their recommendations for the use of protective masks in the workplace in relation to SARS-CoV-2, we have also changed it, explains a press spokeswoman for RKI when asked by RTL.

In the updated RKI recommendation, however, it is noted that “when lay people wear FFP2 masks as a ‘medical mask’ […] be sure [muss]that A) the medical and care area is prioritized with FFP2 masks, B) individual health suitability is ensured and C) the perfect fit and correct handling is guaranteed “.

It also says: “Until now, no scientific studies have been carried out on the possible effect of such a measure. When used by lay people, self-protection beyond the effect of properly used oral and nasal protection, therefore, not necessarily is provided “.

How does this fit with the mask fit requirement?

Although the protection of FFP2 masks probably does not go beyond the protection of a cloth mask if not used correctly, Bavaria first introduced an FFP2 mask requirement and then the federal government decided to toughen the mask requirement. How does that fit in?

“The problem is that these recommendations are simply not coordinated by individual federal states. This recommendation in Bavaria has generated many, many uncertainties,” says Dr. Georg-Christian Zinn, director of the Hygiene Center Bioscientia, in an interview with RTL. “The RKI knew about these masks purely for the medical field, be it for tuberculosis or now for coronavirus infections. But it really has to be said that these FFP2 masks are not just the weapon, they must also be used correctly and also have significant disadvantages. . “

How good are FFP2 masks for the elderly?

Disadvantages may be particularly evident in risk groups. Because, as the RKI writes, when using FFP2 masks, “people with, for example, restricted lung function or older people […] health effects cannot be excluded. “

Older people, in particular, are increasingly wearing FFP2 masks because they not only protect others, but also those who wear them. Is that more dangerous than you thought? What should older people keep in mind when wearing FFP2 masks?

“It’s no more dangerous than expected if you follow some rules,” explains Zinn. “The important thing is that you look: how can you wear such a tight-fitting mask? Otherwise, it won’t do anything.” In addition, you must adapt the use of the mask to your physical performance, that’s why Zinn.

“I can only advise older people to take regular breaks, also to drink in between. And not to wear an FFP2 mask at home or when driving alone in the car.” Due to the increased respiratory resistance, the use of the FFP2 mask is very stressful on the body, so it is not recommended to wear it to the end.

The mask protects especially in combination with other rulers.

Finally, in its recommendations, the RKI points out that wearing a mask is an important measure, but that it makes sense especially in combination with the so-called AHA + L rules. The use of masks should not lead to other measures being neglected or even to accept risks consciously.
