Riots in several cities: unrest continues in Holland


Riots in various cities
Unrest continues in the Netherlands

Due to high crown numbers, a curfew has been in effect in the Netherlands since the weekend. But young people who are willing to use violence do not adhere to them and riot in the streets. Police speak of the worst riots in 40 years and report more than 150 arrests.

The Netherlands again experienced serious unrest on Monday night as a result of anti-curfew protests in Corona that spiraled out of control. Hundreds of violent youths rioted according to police reports as of Monday night in various cities and attacked the police. People had gathered in city centers shortly before curfew due to the corona pandemic. In large groups they marched through the streets, looting and razing. Riots were reported in about 10 cities, including Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam. More than 151 people were arrested, according to police.

“Shameless thieves,” Rotterdam Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb complained about the mafia. The shops in his city had been destroyed and looted, among other things. “We have not yet been able to take stock, but it is still a sad result,” the newspaper “De Telegraaf” was quoted as saying. According to a report by a reporter for the television station NOS, the events in Den Bosch “got out of hand”. After a fireworks display, a large group of rioters moved into the city. “There was looting, fires, cars destroyed and shops looted along the way.”

Police cordon off clinics

In Rotterdam, about 100 protesters attacked police officers with stones and fireworks, according to NOS reports. The mobile police unit used water cannons and tear gas. According to the police, around 50 people were arrested in the port city.

The rioters roamed various cities in the Netherlands, breaking windows and looting shops. Bus stops were demolished, fires were set and police officers were attacked with fireworks and stones. According to media reports, journalists and camera crews were also victims of violence.

Meanwhile, the police asked citizens via Twitter to send video recordings of the events to facilitate the investigation. According to media reports, the rioters also tried to break into hospitals in Brabant and Bosch. The police have largely cordoned off the entrances. The ambulances had to move to other clinics.

Authorities Suspect Neo-Nazis and Hooligans Among Rioters

By midnight, the police had the situation under control, as Police Chief Willem Woelders said on the NOS television channel. “We can see that most of the Netherlands is calm again.”

The reasons for the riots are the tightening of the crown measures imposed by the government and a curfew that has been in force since Saturday. But the police and mayors of the cities involved assume that various groups are involved in the riots, including crown deniers and soccer hooligans and neo-Nazis.

On Sunday night, serious riots in about 10 cities shook the country. The police had spoken of the worst riot in 40 years. Police and the mayor had previously warned of further riots after several calls appeared on social media. The first riots had already occurred on Saturday.

On Saturday night, a nationwide curfew went into effect in the Netherlands for the first time since the start of the corona pandemic. Citizens must remain in their homes from 9:00 pm to 4:30 am Violations are punished with fines of 95 euros.
