United States: impeachment against Trump handed over to Senate – politics


Democrat Joe Biden has been the new president of the United States since January 20, and has since removed the legacy of his predecessor Donald Trump. He left the White House. Later he is threatened with impeachment. All news and updates at a glance:

Delivery of charges against Trump to the Senate

Tuesday, January 26, 1:30 am.: The indictment of the second impeachment against former President Donald Trump has been read in the United States Senate. Shortly before, on Monday (local time), the prosecution had presented the indictment for “inciting a riot” in a procession from the House of Representatives to the Senate.

Democrats want to hold Trump accountable for his supporters’ attack on Capitol Hill on January 6. His term has expired, but the procedure could result in a life ban from his post at the federal level if convicted. That would undo any plan by Trump to run again for president in 2024. Before the impeachment process actually begins in the second week of February, the chairman of the process must be sworn in on Tuesday, who in turn will be sworn in at 100 senators. You assume the role of jury in the process and make the final decision.

Senate confirms Janet Yellen as Secretary of the Treasury

Tuesday, January 26, 12:28 am: The United States Senate has confirmed the renowned economist Janet Yellen as Secretary of the Treasury in the cabinet of new President Joe Biden. Yellen’s nomination was accepted with broad support from both political camps on Monday. 84 senators voted for the 74-year-old woman, 15 against.

The Ministry of Finance is now headed by a woman for the first time. In light of the US economy badly damaged due to the corona pandemic, Yellen will play a central role in efforts to counter the crisis. At a Senate hearing, he announced that he would take generous measures to combat the consequences of the crisis. Otherwise, the long-term impact on the US economy and the national budget threatens to be much worse, he warned.

Yellen was chairman of the US Federal Reserve from 2014 to 2018. She supports the theories of economist John Maynard Keynes that governments play an important role in overcoming economic crises, for example through increased public spending.

US Supreme Court Ends Corruption Lawsuit Against Former President Trump

Monday January 25, 6 pm: The Supreme Court of the United States will not finally deal with a corruption lawsuit against former President Donald Trump. Supreme Court judges ordered the competent appeals court on Monday to drop the case because it was no longer relevant.

Trump had been accused of profiting from business with foreign governments through his hotel in the capital Washington, for example through overnight stays of diplomats or entire delegations, due to his position as president. Trump left office last week. Under a special provision of the United States constitution, the so-called Emoluments Clause, a president cannot benefit from foreign governments.

The lawsuit was filed by the Capital District, the District of Columbia and the state of Maryland. Although the Supreme Court has not made a decision on the matter, responsible attorneys general Karl Racine and Brian Frosh were pleased. They stated in a statement that the course of their lawsuit through the courts had shown that the prohibition of business by public officials with foreigners was enforceable. Trump has always dismissed the accusations as being a hoax and politically motivated.

Real estate businessman Trump had handed over the management of his business to his children after assuming the presidency. However, critics accused him of only appearing to have retired and continuing to profit from ongoing business. Trump Group has been operating a luxury hotel with around 250 rooms in Washington since 2016 in a former post office building rented by the long-term government. During his presidency, at least until the pandemic, the hotel was a popular meeting place for Republicans and lobbyists seeking Trump’s favor.

Biden overturns Trump’s transgender exclusion from the US military.

Monday, January 25, 5:45 pm: The new president of the United States, Joe Biden, struck down a controversial order by his predecessor, Donald Trump, to exclude transgender people from the military. The Democrat signed an order that “all Americans qualified to serve in the United States Armed Forces should be able to do so,” the White House announced in Washington.

Republican Trump banned transgender people from serving in the military in August 2017, reversing a decision made by his predecessor Barack Obama. Trump cited the rationale for the controversial move that the military could not bear the “huge medical costs” associated with serving transgender people. At the time, he had called for more studies to ensure that transgender people did not inhibit military effectiveness, destroy cohesion, or deplete military resources.

The White House said: “President Biden believes that gender identity should not be a barrier to military service and that America’s strength lies in diversity.” The armed forces are most effective when they are inclusive. It is the correct way and it is in the national interest.

Transgender people are people who do not identify, or not only, with the gender that was registered when they were born. As secretary of state in the Department of Health, Biden nominated a transgender woman for such a high position in the United States government for the first time.

The impeachment proceedings against Trump begin in the second week of February

Saturday, January 23, 12:45 am: The second impeachment process against the former president of the United States, Donald Trump, will begin in the second week of February. This was announced by the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, on Friday (local time). According to the US media, the exact start time is scheduled for February 9.

The House of Representatives sending charges to the Senate is scheduled for Monday. For Tuesday, the swearing in of the members of the process, which is similar to a court case, said Schumer. To do this, the presiding judge of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, must first take the oath as head of the impeachment process. He, in turn, must take the oath to the 100 senators who take the role of jury in the process and make the final decision. From then on, prosecutors and defense attorneys will have time to define their positions, Schumer said. The procedure should begin in the second week of February.

The termination is a compromise between the opposition Democrats and Republicans. Senate Republican Chief Mitch McConnell had asked Democrats to delay the process, which Schumer followed. This is a process and a fair victory, a McConnell spokesperson said.

Trump’s term ended this week, but the process could mean a life suspension for him. Democrats want to hold Trump accountable for his supporters’ attack on the US Capitol on January 6 and accuse him of “inciting a riot.”

The Senate receives impeachment on Monday

Friday, January 22, 4:30 pm: The Senate of the United States must receive the indictment in the trial of Donald Trump for “inciting riots” on Monday. This was announced by the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, Chuck Schumer. The presentation of the specific charges is the next step in the impeachment process against the former president. Trump’s term ended this week, but the process could result in a lifetime suspension for Trump.

Democrats and Republicans each have 50 seats in the Senate. A two-thirds majority is required in impeachment proceedings. So far it’s unclear if enough Republicans would vote to convict Trump.

Republicans don’t want an impeachment process against Trump until mid-February

Friday, January 22, 8 a.m.: Republicans in the US Senate do not want to begin negotiations on the impeachment of former President Donald Trump until mid-February. The additional waiting time should ensure that all parties have enough time to prepare for trial, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Thursday night (local time). “At a time of high political tension, Senate Republicans believe it is absolutely imperative to go through a half-process that would prevent former President Trump from having due process or damaging the institution of the Senate or avoiding the presidency,” McConnell said.

The House of Representatives had officially launched an impeachment process against Trump. The accusation is “incitement to revolt”. Therefore, Trump is jointly responsible for his supporters’ attack on the US Capitol in early January. If Trump were subsequently removed from office, he would be barred from holding further public office for life. The House of Representatives must now formally refer the indictment to the Senate.

McConnell’s schedule is for that to be done formally on January 28. Then both parties would have a good two weeks until Feb. 13 to file their respective documents, McConnell said. After that, the actual Senate hearing could begin, which is similar to a court trial. Senate Democrats must approve the calendar. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday the indictment would soon be sent to the Senate. She did not give an exact time.

A delayed start of the impeachment procedure could also accommodate the new president. Democrat Joe Biden depends on the Senate’s approval of his cabinet and other important personalities. If the Senate were primarily concerned with impeaching his predecessor, this could make it difficult for the government.

Biden fires Trump employees

Thursday January 21, 2:28 pm: On the first day in office, Joe Biden fired the first employees Donald Trump had placed in the Washington authorities. Many others, however, continue to worry the new president’s team.

Inauguration of Joe Biden as US President

Wednesday January 20: It is the day that Joe Biden is sworn in as president of the United States in front of the Capitol and Donald Trump leaves the White House and Washington.

Analysis, comments, news about the inauguration of Biden
