Lifetime suspension from office threatens: Trump impeachment is sure to start


Lifetime suspension from office threatens
The start of the impeachment of Trump is certain

Things are getting serious for Donald Trump. Due to the assault on the Capitol, the former president faces impeachment proceedings. Senate Majority Leader Schumer is now setting the process to begin in the second week of February.

The impeachment process against former President of the United States, Donald Trump, for storming the Capitol will begin in the second week of February. The new Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer, announced in Washington. The indictment will be presented in the Senate next Monday. Usually the process begins a day or two later.

The two-week postponement now decided allows the House of Congress to do its normal parliamentary work first. This includes, in particular, the confirmation of the ministers nominated by the new president of the United States, Joe Biden, and possibly the decision on the new crown aid worth 1.9 trillion dollars, just under 1.6 trillion dollars. euros.

A week and a half ago, the House of Representatives initiated an impeachment process against the Republican due to the assault on the Capitol by radical Trump supporters. The accusation is “incitement to revolt”. Trump became the first president in US history to initiate two impeachment proceedings.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell had advocated that the actual process should only begin in mid-February so Trump would have more time to prepare. Trump’s term ended this week, but the process could result in a life suspension for him.

For President Biden, the impeachment process against his predecessor carries risks: Biden actually wants to close the Trump chapter and reduce tensions in the country. However, he must fear new conflicts between Democrats and Republicans and extensive Senate paralysis as a result of the process.
