More and more German citizens perceive the requirements of the crown as a burden
| Reading time: 3 minutes
Almost half of the people in Germany take Corona’s measurements as an increasing burden. That’s a sharp increase compared to the pre-Christmas period. There are big differences between the age groups.
reThe citizens of Germany increasingly consider the Crown’s measures a burden. Almost one in two citizens (49 percent) perceive the restrictions as a very heavy or heavy burden, as the current “Germany trend” of ARD showed. 42 percent perceive their personal stress from existing requirements as less severe. Only nine percent do not feel burdened by the restrictions, as the ARD “Morgenmagazin” poll showed on Friday.
This increased the number of those who perceived the conditions as burdensome. In the week before Christmas, only 36 percent described the restrictions as severe or very severe stress. Almost two-thirds (64 percent) said they were less exposed or not at all.
Younger voters also feel more stressed than older people. According to the survey, six out of ten respondents (59 percent) of those under 40 speak of severe to very severe stress. For those over 65, it’s just under four in ten (37 percent).
The survey also showed that satisfaction with the crisis management of the federal and state governments is declining. In the population, a critical judgment now prevails: a good half of Germans (54 percent) are currently less or not at all satisfied with the management of the crisis. 46 percent of respondents are satisfied or very satisfied.
That was the mood in December
In mid-December, 57 percent were positive, 42 percent negative. The majority behind the crisis management of the federal and state governments are currently supporters of the Union parties (74 to 26 percent). Among supporters of the SPD and the Greens, approval and rejection are roughly balanced (52 to 48 percent each). Criticism outstrips the left (57 to 42 percent).
Supporters of the FDP (80 to 20 percent) and the AfD (93 to 7 percent) maintain a clear distance from the crisis management of the federal and state governments.
There was a slight increase in party preferences for the SPD. If the general election were on Sunday, the CDU / CSU would get 34 percent. The Greens would be the second strongest force at 21 percent. 15 percent would opt for the SPD and 10 percent for the AfD. The left would reach six percent, the FDP seven percent.
Compared to the “Germany trend” of January 7, 2021, the SPD gained one percentage point. The Union and the Left each lost one percentage point. The share of votes for the Greens, AfD and FDP was unchanged.
For the ARD “Deutschlandtrend”, Infratest Dimap interviewed 1027 voters on behalf of the ARD “Morgenmagazin” from Monday to Wednesday. The margin of error was expressed between 1.4 and 3.1 percentage points, depending on the percentage.