The lockdown will run until mid-February, including adjustment


Germany Federation and states agree

The closure runs until mid-February: medical masks are needed in local transport

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The federal and state governments want to extend the lockdown until February 14, and wearing a medical mask is mandatory on local public transportation. However, there is still no agreement on a full resolution document.

secondand the countries agree to extend the blockade, initially limited to late January, until February 14. The Reuters news agency and “Spiegel” report on ongoing consultations between the federal government and the state ministers of the federal states that the use of a medical mask is required for local public transport.


The discussion of the confinement

How difficult will the confinement be?  Controversial issues are on Tuesday's agenda

Hendrik Streeck, Director of the Institute of Virology at the Bonn University Clinic and part of the NRW Council of Experts

Concerns about squeezing


Local public transport will be shut down significantly, even if reliable study data on the risk of infection there is lacking.

That is in the draft resolution

The discussion on the proposed federal resolution is still ongoing. This provides the following points.

Documentation: You can find the draft resolution here

More expensive: I am Local transportation and in Stores the obligation to wear “medical masks” will be introduced. So it’s not just the expensive ones FFP2-Meaning masks, but also significantly cheaper ones are enough OP masks. These also offer better protection than everyday masks made from fabric. In general, these masks are also recommended for long-term meetings in closed rooms.

Local transportation: Contacts will be further reduced, making it a goal that only one third of the passengers allowed on local transport travel. This should be possible thanks to more home offices, a flexible start to work (made possible by the company), and more buses and trains.

Home Office: The federal government wants to force companies to offer work from home as much as possible. The draft resolution states that the Federal Ministry of Labor will issue an ordinance according to which employers “must allow employees to work from home whenever possible.” Companies are requested to provide employees with medical masks. Easier depreciation should help businesses financially.

Schools before February 15?

Schools and nurseries: The Foreign Ministry advocates that schools and nurseries, in principle First after February 15 be open. There are indications that the B.1.1.7. increasingly widespread in schools. Emergency care is guaranteed and distance education is offered for schoolchildren. The countries led by the SPD are reportedly rejecting these regulations.

by Graduated classes separate rules may apply. For the period in which the seven-day incidence under 50 Slow openings should be prepared. next then you can open it you can toggle to Elementary students give, but continue distance learning during Higher notes.

Private contacts: The Foreign Ministry does not want contacts to continue to be strengthened in the private sector. Private gatherings from one household should only be allowed with one person from another household, the number of different households should be kept as small as possible.

However, federal states and counties will also expand regulations for corona hotspots to other areas if the 7-day incidence does not predictably fall below 50, both in terms of curfews and a limitation of the range of movement of up to 15 kilometers. The countries led by the SPD are against it. Students must support the health authorities during the semester vacations.

Retirement and nursing homes: The houses must be specially protected. There will also be mandatory tests for visitors and several times a week for staff. Specially trained Bundeswehr soldiers are supposed to help out in homes because employees often do not come for tests due to staff shortages.

Report services to the law enforcement office

Services: The minimum distance must be respected. If more than ten people gather, the public order office must be informed in advance.

Vaccines: 50 percent of nursing home residents are now vaccinated. Over the next two to three weeks, Pfizer announced that it would not be able to deliver all doses of vaccination because capacities were being expanded. However, in general, all vaccination doses planned for the first trimester should also be administered in the first trimester. After the Biontech / Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the AstraZeneca vaccine is expected.

Help: Cancellation aid III should be improved. Seasonal goods should be easier to write off. The federal government wants to simplify the entry requirements and increase the maximum monthly funding. Payments on account must also be increased and made directly.

EU / Travel: Germany wants to promote uniform regulations in the EU to avoid entry restrictions. The Federal Government notes that travel should be avoided as much as possible. When entering from risk areas, in addition to the ten-day quarantine obligation, there is an obligation to carry out tests before or shortly after entry. When entering from areas where a dangerous mutation has occurred, these tests are mandatory before entering.
