Such is the situation in the countries where mutations originate


The Foreign Ministry is pushing for a stricter shutdown, due to concerns about Corona’s mutations. In the video, t-online shows how the situation has developed in the countries where two new virus variants originate.

Despite four weeks of harsh lockdown, the number of infections in Germany is barely decreasing. Now politicians are thinking of more durable and even stricter measures. The background for the considerations should be the spread of the highly contagious Corona variant B.1.1.7, which has already been tested in Germany. The coronavirus mutation that has emerged in Britain is spreading much faster than the original form, and scientists are very concerned, according to the Foreign Ministry. The mutation of the virus is very aggressive and its spread must be slowed down. Act now. The modified coronavirus 501.V2 (or variant B.1.351), which was first detected in South Africa, also influences the considerations.

t-online analyzed the situation of the corona in the countries where the new variants of the virus originate.

How the corona numbers have developed in South Africa and Great Britain since the emergence of new variants of the virus and how explosive is the crown situation in Swedenwhich was a separate path until recently, you can see in the video above or here.
