Allow restaurant visits: Maas requires special rights for vaccinated people


Allow restaurant visits
Maas demands special rights for vaccinated people

Chancellor Heiko Maas is in favor of allowing corona-vaccinated people to visit restaurants, cinemas and museums again. With his opinion, the SPD politician is against the previous line of the federal government.

Heiko Maas, the head of the Foreign Ministry, is the first federal minister to demand that people with corona vaccines be allowed to visit restaurants or cinemas before everyone else. “People vaccinated should be able to exercise their basic rights again,” Maas told “Bild am Sonntag.” “It has not yet been conclusively clarified to what extent people who have been vaccinated can infect others. What is clear, however, is that a person who has been vaccinated will no longer take a ventilator from anyone. This means that at least one of the main reasons for restricting basic rights is removed. ”

Maas also reminded operators of currently closed restaurants, cinemas, theaters and museums. “They have the right to reopen their businesses at some point if the possibility exists. And that is when more and more people are vaccinated. Because once there are only people vaccinated in the restaurant or the cinema, they can no longer do it.” endanger each other. ”

The federal government had so far rejected the restoration of freedoms for vaccinated people, and also noted that it is not known whether they can still infect other people. A different type of corona is currently spreading from the UK and is considered extremely contagious. Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer also warned of an impending division in society.

Maas, who was previously Minister of Justice, contradicted: “Yes, that will lead to inequalities in a transition period, but as long as there is an objective reason for it, it is constitutionally justifiable.”

However, so far only one million people have been vaccinated in Germany, which corresponds to a good one percent of the population. Above all, they are very old and in need of care, as well as medical and nursing personnel.
