Norbert Röttgen (CDU) has great reservations about a coalition with the FDP


Germany CDU-Vorsitzkandidaten

Röttgen has great reservations about the coalition with the FDP: Laschet sees it differently

| Reading time: 3 minutes

“They are insecure cantonists I wouldn’t trust,” says Norbert Röttgen of the FDP.


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“You cannot trust a party that sometimes feels like governing and then doesn’t want to govern”: CDU president Norbert Röttgen has spoken out against a coalition with the FDP after the federal elections. Armin Laschet sees it differently.

CDU President Norbert Röttgen has spoken out against the involvement of the FDP government in view of the upcoming federal elections. “The FDP is responsible for a historic failure in the sense that it rejected a new start and government responsibility after two major coalitions,” said Röttgen of the “Augsburger Allgemeine”. “You cannot trust a party that sometimes wants to govern and then not,” said the foreign politician. “These are insecure cantonists that I wouldn’t trust.”

“It may well be that the FDP suddenly came up with the idea that the meaning of politics could also be to shape, decide and govern,” Röttgen said. But voters would not forget the failure of the Jamaican coalition three years ago.

The NRW-FDP, on the other hand, has apparently not forgotten that its CDU coalition partner had achieved the worst CDU result in state history in the 2012 state elections under then-leading candidate Röttgen and that, in Consequently, the responsibility of the government had changed from black and yellow to red and green.

Laschet objects

“Norbert Röttgen was able to see how the CDU and the FDP co-rule successfully in North Rhine-Westphalia,” said the leader of the FDP parliamentary group, Christof Rasche, of the dpa news agency in Düsseldorf. “But it is a historical idea that state policy and accountability do not interest him.”

Following the federal elections in fall 2017, the CDU / CSU, the FDP and the Greens entered into exploratory talks, from which the FDP eventually abandoned, in the famous words of party leader Christian Lindner: “It is better not to govern than misgovern”. FDP Vice President Wolfgang Kubicki recently told the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung” that a Jamaican “Stand heute” alliance was the only realistic option for his party.

also read

The new CDU president will be elected at a party digital conference next weekend. North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet, the former leader of the Union parliamentary group Friedrich Merz and Röttgen are available for the election.

Laschet has attacked Röttgen for his criticism of the FDP. He considers insulting the FDP a fundamental mistake, Laschet said in an appearance in front of members of the CDU parliamentary group in Baden-Württemberg on Wednesday. “That brings everyone to the stoplight.” Laschet called Röttgen’s remarks dangerous.

He was trying to maintain a line with FDP party leader Christian Lindner, Laschet said. “The time may come when we need it.” He prefers a Jamaican alliance with the Greens and the FDP to black and green. “Because we also need a corrective. That is why I would like a strong FDP for the Bundestag elections ”. The CDU must have fundamental discussions with the Greens on every issue, “especially at the federal level with many Greens on the left.” That is much more difficult than a coalition with the FDP.

Laschet warned with particular urgency against a traffic light coalition made up of the Greens, the SPD and the FDP. “That is the most difficult: a coalition of the SPD, which covers the social, the Greens and the FDP, which then covers the economic part. So what does the CDU do about it? That is the great danger for both Baden-Württemberg and the Federal Republic of Germany. “
