Also a higher positive rate: Germany now has a higher death rate per crown than the US.


In Germany, comparatively more people now die from or related to Corona than in the US, and this despite the fact that many more people in the US are infected with the virus. That comes from figures from Johns Hopkins University in the United States, which represent the seven-day average.

More than 750 people per million inhabitants in the United States were infected on Monday, in Germany it was only just under a third of them. In a comparison of European Union countries, Germany is even below the average, which is more than 300.

In terms of the death rate, Germany, with just over 10 per million inhabitants, is higher than that of the US, where just under 10 people per day die from or in connection with Corona. It wasn’t until last week that Germany surpassed the United States. Now there is more than ever. Here, Germany is well above the EU average of around 7.5.

The death rate for confirmed corona case is now higher in Germany than in the US On Monday, 2.2 percent of infections in Germany ended fatally, in the United States it was 1.7 percent .

In terms of deaths per million inhabitants, Germany is now among the worst affected countries. Only eight EU countries, Switzerland and Panama, are even more affected. More recently, Slovakia recorded the highest number of deaths per million inhabitants with 16.3.

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The high mortality rate could also be related to the age distribution. The trend is clear: the people who died by or in connection with Corona in Germany are older than in the US According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), 96 percent of those who died in Germany are over 60 years old, and just under 70 percent are over 80.

In the US, four out of five corona deaths are over the age of 65, but only 60 percent are over the age of 75. Figures from the US health authority CDC prove it.

US President Donald Trump has come under fire in recent weeks and months for his handling of the corona pandemic. Sometimes he compared it to the flu. After his electoral defeat in November, there was more criticism, as he was dealing with legal measures against him and not with the worsening situation of the crown in the US.

The concentration of countries in Europe, where by comparison more people die from or in connection with Corona, could be related to the fact that the much more aggressive Corona mutant is rampant there.

The fact that the US has significantly more confirmed infections, but fewer deaths in comparison, may also be explained by the fact that significantly more tests are conducted in the US. In recent days there was an average of four tests per 1000 inhabitants, in Germany it was slightly more than one test per 1000 inhabitants.

Therefore, the proportion of positive tests in the total number gives a better idea of ​​the infection rate and corresponds to the mortality rate. Because the so-called positive rate in Germany is slightly higher than in the US Such as the number of people who died from or in relation to Corona: in Germany it was more recently 16.1 percent, in the US was 15 percent. The positive rate has never been higher in Germany, in the United States it has already exceeded 20 percent.

Due to the respective situation, both countries are trying to accelerate their vaccination campaigns. The United States, which has so far vaccinated nine million of its 328 million people, is now gradually injecting the vaccine to all people over the age of 65. In Germany, where only about 690,000 people have been vaccinated, it will be a while until then, but recently at least millions of other doses of vaccines have been ordered from Biontech and Pfizer.
