Fox News: But no Donald Trump speech


  • Matthis Pechtold

    ofMatthis Pechtold

    to turn off

After the riot on Capitol Hill in Washington DC, Twitter and Facebook blocked Donald Trump’s account. There will be no speech announced by Fox News.

  • The voted US President Donald Trump* speaks tonight for the first time since his banishment from social media platforms Twitter and Facebook.
  • Senate Democrats have a resolution for one The impeachment process of Donald trump* presented. They are also calling on Vice President Mike Pence to remove Trump from office.
  • Triumph Had the riot in Washington convicted in a video message shortly before his ban from social media. He is accused of inciting his followers to violence with lies.

+++ 9:27 pm: And suddenly it’s one Rede Donald Trump nothing to see anymore. “Fox News“Changed the title of the video. After a press conference on the crown crisis * in the US *, the TV station switched to an interview Mike pompeo. The secretary of state, who remains in office for two weeks, speaks at an event called “Voice of America.

On Saturday (January 9, 2020) Pompeo lifted the status of “complex internal restrictions” for US diplomats when dealing with Taiwan *. In the interview broadcast live, Pompeo explained this step with the special importance of human rights in the U.S and within the Trump-Administration.

Fox News changes the title of the video: But isn’t it talking about Donald Trump?

+++ 8.15 pm: When the live broadcast of “Fox News“It starts on the Donald trump first speech since suspension Twitter and Facebook should be broadcast is currently unclear. Most recently, it was postponed until 9:15 pm German time. Before that, the start of the live broadcast was scheduled for 7:30 p.m. The live broadcast on YouTube has begun, but shows a press conference on the corona * pandemic in the US state of Texas, which the channel news of “Fox NewsBroadcasts “,” NewsNow “. Was the stream previously called” President Triumph Speaks After Big Tech Shutdown, “the updated title reads more vaguely:” Will President Triumph Talk today after social media closures? ”.

First report of Monday, January 11, 2021, 7:28 pm: Several days it was Donald trump In order not to be seen, he is now obviously seeking contact with the public again. As usual, he is largely denied access to social media – in response to the violent riots in the American capital, Washington, on January 6, 2021. Twitter* and Facebook the accounts of Donald trump. A live broadcast that the US station “Fox News“* YouTube is supposed to start at 7.30pm German time, and is titled” President Trump Speaks After Big Tech Shutdown. ” Triumph will be announced is still not completely clear.

Donald Trump: Twitter banned it to prevent further incitement to violence

Specially in Twitter The president-elect was active almost every day until then and has posted about 56,000 tweets since May 2009. 89 million accounts followed him on the short message service. The lock Twitter You must apply for life, and apparently the US carrier enforces it rigorously. Tweets that Donald trump Tried on the presidential account with the username POTUS (for “President of the United States”), they were removed shortly thereafter. In them he complained that Twitter increasingly sharp action against freedom of expression, behind his lock suspected a conspiracy on Twitter, in which the Democrats and the “radical left” is said to have been involved.

The company Twitter justify your decision Triumph Deny access to the platform at the risk of the outgoing president. He could “incite violence” towards others before the official end of his term on January 20, 2021.

After storming the US Capitol: his wife Melania Trump also speaks

His wife Melania Trump* He already addressed the public with a written message on Monday. Now it is true that the country and its people must heal now. He condemns the violence in the Washington Capitol, the seat of the United States Parliament. And she thanks everyone for everyone’s support for her and her husband. Donald trump in the last four years: “It was the honor of my life to serve as your first lady.” What reads as an emotional farewell to Amit over the course of the day is apparently made up of parts of sentences that Melania he said in a speech to the Republican National Congress in August 2020. This is what CNN’s White House correspondent Kate Bennett arrived at after comparing the two speeches.

Donald Trump distributed the latest speech via Twitter, then it was permanently banned

© Mandel Ngan / AFP

Surprisingly, the president of the United States, who was first rejected and then silenced, received something like the endorsement of the chancellor. Angela Merkel. She sees the accounts blocked by Donald trump by Facebook and Twitter critical *, as announced by government spokesman Steffen Seibert on Monday afternoon (January 11, 2021). The Federal Government considers it “fundamentally problematic” that a large amount of justiciable content also circulates freely on the Internet. The fundamental right to freedom of expression can only be interfered with “within the framework defined by the legislator, not after the decision of the corporate management of the social media platforms,” ​​according to Seibert.

Indictment proceedings initiated against Donald Trump

Meanwhile they have Democrats impeachment process initiated against Donald Trump. It is questionable if this will work properly. the Democrats would have to 17 republican on his side in the Senate to achieve the required two-thirds majority for impeachment. If they are successful, they should Donald trump never again run as a candidate in an American election. (Matthis Pechtold) * is part of the Ippen publishing network

Headline list image: © Mandel Ngan / AFP
