Software issues: November aid payment delayed due to embarrassment


economy “Technical problems”

November aid payment delayed due to embarrassment

| Reading time: 3 minutes

Karsten seibel

The retail sector is threatened by a devastating wave of bankruptcies

In the current lockdown, fixed retail is struggling with significant financial losses. Those who do not have an online store run the risk of not surviving the pandemic. More and more companies are filing for bankruptcy.

Restaurateurs particularly affected by the crown restrictions must continue to wait for November aid. The start of payment announced by Chancellor Merkel and the prime minister for the beginning of the week has been postponed. That is the rationale.

reNovember aid payment is delayed. Actually, the competent authorities in the federal states should have started examining and approving the applications earlier in the week, but according to information from WELT, the software required for this is not available even after several weeks of preparation. The “technical problems” that the federal service provider had not yet resolved were mentioned in the Länder.

Last week, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and prime ministers announced that aid was imminent. “The full disbursement of the November aid requested by the federal states will be made no later than January 10, 2021,” according to a joint resolution.

Now, the restaurants, leisure and culture establishments, which have been particularly affected by the restrictions since the beginning of November, have to wait for the full payment of the aid.

The Federal Ministry of Economy confirmed the postponement of the start of payment on demand. The latest technical tests are currently running on the application system interfaces. “As soon as they are completed, the regular application processing and payment procedure can begin,” the ministry said. The start is supposed to be “not significantly delayed.” No specific date was given by which the technical issues will be resolved.

Applications with a volume of 4,500 million euros

The countries have not yet received a new date. The Rhineland-Palatinate Structures and Investment Bank was optimistic that it could start later in the week. “Payments beyond the fees should be possible for the federal state licensing offices in the course of week 2,” the institute said.

From November 25, companies affected by the closures can request assistance equivalent to 75 percent of the previous year’s turnover. The respective federal states are responsible for verifying, approving and paying the amounts requested.

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Since it was foreseeable from the beginning that programming the necessary software tools would take time, the federal government has already made the first initial payments. Advance amounts are up to 50 percent of the amount of the application, but not more than 50,000 euros per applicant. For the self-employed, the maximum initial payment is 5000 euros.

According to the Federal Ministry of the Economy, so far there have been applications for November aid for a volume of 4,500 million euros, and the advances made amount to 1,330 million euros.

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This means that the volume of applications so far has not met expectations of around 15 billion euros. The volume of applications for aid in December has so far been 1,500 million euros, of which 640 million euros have been disbursed.

The applications run on the platform Freelancers can apply for up to 5000 euros directly, provided they have an ELSTER certificate and can therefore be clearly identified. All others must have the request made by a tax advisor, auditor or attorney. November aid can be applied for until January 31st, December aid until March 31st.
