Donald Trump: Democrats want to urge Vice President Mike Pence to impeach him


After the assault on the Capitol by supporters of Donald Trump, Democrats in Congress want to take concrete action on Monday to impeach the president-elect of the United States.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, announced in a letter published Sunday night (local time) to her group colleagues that a resolution would be presented on Monday. This calls on Vice President Mike Pence to take immediate action to impeach Trump. A decision on this should be taken in plenary no later than Tuesday. Pence is asked to respond within 24 hours.

In a next step, the House of Representatives will initiate a parliamentary impeachment proceeding against Trump, he said. “We will act urgently to protect our Constitution and our democracy because this president represents an imminent threat to both. The more days that pass, the greater the horror of the ongoing attack on our democracy by this president, and the more urgent the need to act. “

Resolution already drawn up

Democrats have already drafted a resolution for Trump’s parliamentary impeachment process. The only charge mentioned is “incitement to revolt”. Trump is accused of inciting his supporters at a rally ahead of the Capitol assault. Five people were killed in the riots, including a police officer. In the draft resolution, Trump is described as “a threat to national security, democracy and the constitution.”

Trump would be the first US president in history to have two open impeachment proceedings. The impeachment proceedings against Trump began in December 2019 due to the Ukraine affair, but were later dismissed by the Republican-led Senate.

Amendment 25 as a basis

Pelosi had already asked Pence in recent days to take action to depose Trump. It is based on the 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution; consequently, the vice president can, with a majority of senior cabinet members, declare the president incapable of “exercising the rights and duties of office.” Pence has not yet responded to the lawsuits.

Trump will automatically step down with the swearing in of his Democratic successor Joe Biden on January 20. Even if the House of Representatives decided to open impeachment proceedings this week, a decision in the Senate on which he would address would be virtually impossible before January 20. In addition to impeachment, the draft resolution also provides for Trump’s ban in future government offices. This would deny him a possible candidacy in 2024.

Icon: The mirror
