BILD talk “The correct questions” at 9.45 pm live – national politics


The lockdown has been in place for more than eight weeks, and now?

At the beginning, in early November, the politicians promised: To work together for another four weeks, to be disciplined, to give up freedom, so that we have a nice Christmas season. But it was not enough! Now the blockade is already in the second extension, with stricter contact rules.

But can this wave really be broken or will the third and fourth lockdown extensions follow in February and March?

How sensible are the new restrictions, like the 15-kilometer Corona strap?

Can schools and businesses accept it?

How do we end the vaccination chaos?

BILD Vice President Paul Ronzheimer will discuss this with these guests:

▶ ︎ Minister of the Interior and Deputy Prime Minister of Bavaria, Joachim herrmann (CSU)

▶ ︎ SPD Health Expert Karl Lauterbach

▶ ︎ Secretary General of the FDP Volker wissing

▶ ︎ Mayor of Tübingen Boris palmer (Green)

▶ ︎ Minister of Culture of Baden-Württemberg Susanne Eisenmann (CDU)

► Also there: ex-bodybuilders and actors Ralf Möller, who reports on the fate of his parents during the vaccination chaos

At the BILD political talk “The Right Questions” – Sunday night at 9.45pm.
