US President Trump: Democrats want to start impeachment on Monday


US Democrats want to start impeachment proceedings against President Trump on Monday. The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Pelosi, had previously called for Trump to be prosecuted.

After the storm on Capitol Hill, the Democratic Party in the United States wants to pave the way for the impeachment process against US President Donald Trump on Monday. In theory, this could remove Trump from power before he hands over to his successor Joe Biden on January 20. Democratic Congressman Ted Lieu said his party would begin the process early in the week.

Indictment: “inciting a riot”

Pelosi and other Democrats argue that every day that Trump remains in the White House is a threat. Therefore, the Democratic parliamentarians have prepared a draft resolution, with which Trump will be accused of “inciting revolt”.

Earlier, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, said that Trump had done something so serious that he should be prosecuted.

It is unlikely to be successful

It seems questionable that the campaign to impeach him before Trump’s regular resignation on January 20 will succeed. In the House of Representatives governed by Democrats, the approval of the opening of the procedure is considered safe. However, it will be decided in the United States Senate. There a two-thirds majority would be necessary for a conviction that is not foreseeable. In addition, the Senate has a recess until January 19 and has already supported Trump in such a process.

A second impeachment trial against Trump would still be a historic moment. Never in the history of the United States has a president faced such a procedure twice. Against Trump, Democrats had already launched an impeachment trial on another matter in late 2019 for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The Senate acquitted the Republican in February 2020.

Concern for new riots on January 20

At the same time, experts fear further unrest on the day of Biden’s inauguration. Because Trump supporters are already creating the atmosphere in online forums. “We must not let the Communists win. Even if we have to set fire to Washington DC,” wrote a commentator after the storm on Capitol Hill for January 20. Trump says he will not attend the inauguration of his successor Joe Biden.

John Scott-Railton, who follows security-related online activities at the University of Toronto, said he was “terribly concerned” with the opening. While the general public was dismayed by the riot on Capitol Hill that killed five people, parts of the field on the right would view it as a success, he said on CNN.

Tagesthemen reported on this issue on January 8, 2021 at 9:45 pm and Deutschlandfunk on January 9, 2021 at 12:12 pm
