Baden-Württemberg relaxes contact rules for children under 14 – SWR news


After strong criticism, Baden-Württemberg deviates from the crown resolutions of the federal-state conference. Now there should be exceptions for children. However, it is unclear when the schools will reopen.

There will be exceptions for children in Baden-Württemberg when private gatherings are restricted. This was stated by Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) on Friday morning in a speech in the state parliament. In reality, the federal and state governments had agreed that as of Monday each household could only meet with a maximum of one other person. There were no exceptions for children.

However, Baden-Württemberg is now deviating from this agreement: “To alleviate family difficulties and, in particular, to meet the needs of families with young children or single parents, children up to 14 years old in Baden-Württemberg do not are counted, “Kretschmann said. In addition, a family can join forces with another family to form a community of care in which children take care of each other, the Prime Minister said. However, during the confinement, it would always have to be the same two families that mutually support each other with the care of the children.

With the relaxation, the state government is also responding to harsh criticism of the planned tightening, including from the ranks of the CDU. The Greens had promised caring communities and facilities for single parents, but initially rejected a blanket exception for children under 14.

School openings in mid-January are not guaranteed

The green-black state government does not want to decide until next Thursday whether elementary schools and kindergartens can reopen on January 18. In the interests of the children, they would like to reopen on that date, the Prime Minister said. “But we cannot guarantee it today.” To do this, you need “more reliable figures on the infection status” that are not yet available. “That is why we will not make this decision until next Thursday.”

For most students, the extended crown lock means that in January there will only be distance learning instead of face-to-face teaching. There may be exceptions only for younger children. Education Minister Susanne Eisenmann (CDU) had repeatedly spoken out in favor of opening primary schools and nurseries earlier.

Kretschmann: Vaccination appointments are “given quickly”

In his speech, Kretschmann promised to fix the “initial difficulties” in vaccinating against the coronavirus as soon as possible. However, the green politician sees the federal government first and foremost as a duty. “Of course, a project of this size sometimes jolts at first,” said the green politician. “One thing is clear: the federal government must accelerate the procurement, production and distribution of vaccines.” The federal government promised the states on Tuesday.

Kretschmann campaigned for the historic success that the vaccine could be developed so quickly, “rather than just looking for a fly in the ointment.” It was the right thing to do when buying the vaccines, not at the national level, but at the European level. “What kind of signal would that have been if we had only thought of ourselves and snatching the vaccine from the Swedes or Greeks or Poles or Spaniards? On the principle of ‘Germany first’?”

The leader of the AfD parliamentary group, Bernd Gögel, criticized, however, that the year did not start with the desired light at the end of the tunnel. One is miles away from being vaccinated. At the same time, he called for more emphasis on voluntariness.

Land wants to act against the overcrowding of excursion areas

Kretschmann also claimed that the country wanted to crack down on the overcrowding of tourist destinations and restrict day trips. “People have to know that we will send them back home when there are too many people in the Black Forest or the Swabian Alb,” he said in the state parliament overlooking the skiing and hiking areas. It had agreed with the Minister of Social Affairs, Manfred Lucha (Greens) and the Minister of the Interior, Thomas Strobl (CDU), that they should work with the municipalities to prepare the appropriate measures, such as roadblocks or parking bans.
