Capitol riots: Biden blames Trump for violence


The future president of the United States, Biden, has found harsh words about the riots on Capitol Hill. His main party friends Pelosi and Schumer demanded his removal. Meanwhile, the head of the Capitol Police wants to resign.

A day after the violence in the Congress building, US President-elect Joe Biden referred to the rioters as “domestic terrorists.” He accused incumbent Donald Trump of being guilty of using a “mob” to “silence the votes of nearly 160 million Americans” who cast their votes in November.

He called the violent storm on Capitol Hill “one of the darkest days in American history.” It was an “unprecedented attack on our democracy,” he said.

“Trump stokes violence”

Unlike yesterday, this time he attacked Trump directly and bluntly. This generates violence through their rhetoric and undermines democracy. The attack was the consequence of Trump’s relentless attacks on democratic institutions.

At the same time, he criticized the reaction of the security forces to the perpetrators. Police did not treat all people the same when yesterday’s events are compared to the “Black Lives Matter” protests a few weeks ago. “If the attackers had been black, they would have been treated differently.” Therefore, he pointed to systemic racism in the United States, which is also expressed in the way that police and other security agencies deal with blacks.

Capitol Police Chief Resigns

As a result of the assault on the United States Congress, the head of the police authority responsible for the security of parliament resigns. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund will resign on January 16, the police department said.

The Capitol Police are heavily criticized for the riots. She is accused from many sides of failing to properly secure the parliamentary seat against angry Trump supporters. The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, had called for Sund’s resignation.

Democrats demand impeachment of Trump

Pelosi also called for Trump to be removed immediately. He said he is asking the current Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence, to seek impeachment based on the 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution. Trump is dangerous and should no longer remain in office. “This is urgent.”

In addition to the regular impeachment proceedings, as Robert Mueller also conducted during Russia’s investigation against Trump, there is a faster way to impeach a U.S. president: the 25th amendment to the constitution allows the president to be declared “incapable”. to exercise the rights and duties of the office. ”Such a statement should be made by the vice president and a majority of the key cabinet members and then reported to Congress.

Top Democratic politician Chuck Schumer also called on the Republican Senate cabinet to remove Trump from office on the basis of the companion article. “Not a day more” should be president, Schumer said.

However, late at night, people from around Pence said the vice president did not want to take this dramatic step.

The Tagesschau reported on this issue on January 7, 2021 at 8:00 pm
