Criticism after assault on US Capitol: Trump condemns “horrible attack”


Donald Trump tries to limit the damage: In a new video message, he condemned the “heinous attack” on Capitol Hill and admitted that he was defeated in the election. Previously, there had also been strong criticism within our own ranks.

After massive criticism, the president of the United States, Donald Trump, has condemned the assault on the Capitol by his supporters. It was a “gruesome attack” that sparked outrage in him due to “violence, lawlessness and chaos,” Trump said in a new video.

Those who used violence did not represent the country. And those who broke the law would pay for it. Trump said this was a time of “healing and reconciliation.” Calm must return.

He did not refer to his own role in inciting his followers. In his address, however, he said that he knew they were “disappointed.” But I wanted to let you know that “our incredible journey is just beginning.”

Trump promises an orderly transfer of power

At a rally with thousands of supporters on Wednesday, the outgoing president called a protest march to the Capitol, where votes for the election winner, Joe Biden, should be confirmed. “If they don’t fight like hell, they won’t have any more land,” Trump told protesters. Later, his followers invaded the Capitol.

In an initial reaction, Trump had videotaped the intruders to go home, but did not condemn the violence and reiterated baseless allegations of voter fraud. In the new video, Trump admitted that a new administration under President-elect Biden would be sworn in on January 20. His focus will now be on “ensuring a smooth, orderly and smooth transfer of power.”

Resignations and criticism after riots

A first member of Trump’s cabinet had previously resigned in protest. United States Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao announced on Twitter that she was leaving office.

“Yesterday our country had a traumatic and totally preventable event when the president’s supporters stormed the Capitol after a rally I was speaking at. As I am sure many of you have, I was deeply concerned about the way in which I can’t stand aside, “Chao wrote. His ministry will continue to work with President-elect Joe Biden, said the wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Resignation Series at the White House

Chao is not alone with her step. The United States government presents a regular series of resignations. US special envoy for Northern Ireland and former White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney told CNBC: “I can’t stay here, not after yesterday.” He had informed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo of his resignation. Previously, Deputy National Security Advisor Matt Pottinger and First Lady Spokesperson Melania Trump, and former spokesperson for the President, Stephanie Grisham, resigned.

“Those who stay, and I’ve talked to some, only do so because they fear the president will replace them with someone worse,” Mulvaney said. The special envoy had been deposed as chief of staff by Trump because he admitted in October that military aid to Ukraine had been frozen by order of the president.

Strong criticism from within our own ranks

Many of Trump’s GOP friends also harshly criticized the president and his violent supporters. McConnell said, referring to yesterday’s events, that there was a “massive failure” by police and other officials. Ultimately, however, the fault lies with the criminals who broke into the Capitol and the people who incited them.


The day they stormed the Washington Capitol

January 6 begins with a traditional session: both houses of the United States Congress meet to confirm the electoral victory of Joe Biden. Some Republicans have announced their resistance, but in general it is expected that it will be confirmed. | Image source: AP

Former Attorney General William Barr said there was no excuse for “orchestrating a mob” to pressure Congress. Trump’s behavior is a “betrayal of his office and his supporters.” In the cabinet, Barr had been one of Trump’s most loyal and energetic advocates. However, in mid-December he resigned after tensions with the president.

Called for impeachment

Some Republicans did not stop at the criticism. Republican MP in the US House of Representatives, Adam Kinzinger, even called for Trump’s impeachment. To do this, the 25th amendment to the constitution, which regulates the impeachment of the president, must be applied, Kinzinger explained. “Everything indicates that the president has detached himself, not only from his duty or even from his oath, but from reality itself.” Trump’s immediate impeachment also appealed to Democrats, especially House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The rather conservative “Wall Street Journal” asked Trump to resign in an opinion piece that night.

Tagesschau24 reported on this issue on January 7, 2021 at 4:00 pm and Tagesschau at 5:00 pm
