This is how you see your 15 kilometer radius


A new measure of the Crown is the restriction of the radius of personal movement to 15 kilometers around the place of residence in certain circumstances. If you want to know how far it would go, you can use this web tool.

To reduce the high number of Covid 19 infections as quickly as possible, the federal and state governments are temporarily restricting the radius of movement of residents of corona hotspots in particularly affected regions. From an incidence of more than 200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants per week, citizens can only move within a radius of 15 kilometers from their place of residence in their free time. But what else is there in this radius? Which places can still be visited and which cannot?

A web tool shows how far you can move

This can be found out with a web tool like CalcMaps. On the website you can consult various data on certain coordinates of a map. Among other things, a selected radius can be displayed around any direction. This is easier for residents of small towns.

How to use the service:

  • Call first in the browser
  • Now click on “Measure radius on the map”
  • Enter your address in the empty text field according to the following pattern: Street house number, city
  • Click on “Radius KM” below the text field and select “15 km”
  • There is now a blue circle around the selected address on the map. You are allowed to visit everything within this circle, in case a corresponding movement restriction is issued.

But that’s only meaningful for small venues. If you live in a city or a community with a large area, you have to go one step further. With the regulation, a circle of 15 kilometers counts around the the whole place of residence – So, for example, all over Berlin.

If you want to know how far the area extends, you need to move the circle with the mouse to any position in the city limits. To do this, click on the red dot in the middle and then drag the center to the appropriate location.

The radius can be adjusted in the same way with the mouse. To do this, click on the blue dot on the outer edge of the circle and use the mouse to drag the circle larger or smaller as desired. At the top right you can see the exact radius and the circular area.
