Corona Demonstration: City of Nuremberg and Police Defend Against Criticism


Police: the dissolution would not have been justified

Police defended their actions on Monday. Even if many demo participants had violated Corona’s requirements, for example by not keeping their distance or by not wearing mouth and nose protection, such administrative infractions would not be a sufficient reason to disrupt meetings, it says in a message.

Police spokeswoman Elke Schönwald told BR that a meeting can only be dissolved if there are very high legal obstacles. Schönwald cited serious crimes as an example. Administrative infractions did not justify this.

Police union calls for a ban on demonstrations

Meanwhile, the police union, GdP Bayern, repeatedly criticized the approval of the demonstrations during the shutdown. It is nothing new that such violations occur during demonstrations of the unreasonable and untenable. It was not the actions of the police forces that were the problem on Sunday in Nuremberg, according to Peter Pytlik of GdP Bavaria, but “that such meetings and demonstrations are approved in the first place or that pronounced bans are lifted.”

It is simply incomprehensible that massive bans on contact are imposed in the family environment and that hundreds of people are allowed to meet in public. Pyltik also reiterated the fact that five complaints of resistance and falsification of documents were imposed each at the Nuremberg demonstration, 117 violations of protection against infection and 50 dismissals. Criticism of the police strategy is therefore incomprehensible.
