Donald Trump continues to carry out many death sentences before changing positions


The United States hides its state executions deep in the interior. The central US death chamber is located in the Midwest, on the edge of a maximum security prison in Indiana. The path that leads to the flat brick building is called Justice Road.

Thanks to a moratorium on the death penalty, the green tiled room at Terre Haute Penitentiary in the United States remained unused for 17 years. It was only used again under Donald Trump, and recently more often than ever. “November and December,” said a supervisor cheerfully after receiving information from local television station Fox59, “hopefully they will be very busy.”

Despite a growing number of Americans against the death penalty, the Trump administration resumed federal executions in the summer. In the five months since then, ten criminals have been executed. That’s as much as in the previous seven decades combined.

Executions at the federal level were rare, even before the moratorium. Most of the procedures leading to the death penalty are the competence of each state; the United States Department of Justice only intervenes in special cases. That has changed with Trump: He has even accelerated pending executions.
