“We must maintain consistency”: Söder calls for closure before the end of January


“You have to be constant”
Söder calls for closure at the end of January

A few days before the next federal-state meeting, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder takes a position on the issue of the blockade. According to the CSU politician, the restrictions should be extended for another three weeks. Schools and kindergartens should also be closed longer.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder is calling for the crown’s restrictions, which are limited to January 10, to be extended for three more weeks. “The lockdown must be extended until the end of January. A premature easing would set us back a lot,” said the CSU politician from “Bild am Sonntag” ahead of the prime minister’s conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel scheduled for Tuesday.

“The numbers are simply too high. The effects of Christmas and New Year’s Eve cannot be predicted yet.” This could only be accurately assessed in mid-January, Söder said. “We have to be consistent and not give up too early. That was the weakness of Corona policy in Germany: it started too late and stopped too early.”

Söder also spoke out in favor of a longer closure of kindergartens and schools, and adapted vacation planning: “Schools and kindergartens should not be opened too hastily. Given the high number of infections, it would be irresponsible to simply return teachers and students to schools completely. Infection and spread have been shown to occur at school as well. The risk is higher after the holidays. ”

On Tuesday, Chancellor Angela Merkel wants to discuss the situation with the state prime ministers. A decision must also be made whether the current lockdown will continue after January 10. According to a media report, countries basically agree on the extension, but not on whether it should last two or three weeks. The heads of the state chancellery could not have reached an agreement in a conference call on Saturday afternoon, reports the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung”. In particular, the countries hardest hit by the corona pandemic are in favor of a lockdown until January 31.
