Mike Pence must offend Donald Trump on January 6: lawsuit dismissed


Congress meeting
Lawsuit dismissed: US Vice President Mike Pence must offend Donald Trump on January 6

Donald Trump and Mike Pence

He always stayed true to the President of the United States, Donald Trump: Vice President Mike Pence (right) is due to proclaim Joe Biden as the new president on January 6.

© Susan Walsh / AP / DPA

Two weeks before the new president takes office, the United States Congress formally confirms the result of the elections. It’s actually a ritual, but Donald Trump supporters want to torpedo the session. It’s going to be an uncomfortable day for Vice President Mike Pence.

When news broke late last year that Donald Trump’s vice president, Mike Pence, was planning an overseas trip for January 6, the jokes quickly spread. Pence wanted to flee to avoid the anticipated fury of his boss. Because on this day the Vice President has the constitutional role of proclaiming the winner of the elections before the joint assembly of both houses of the United States Congress. His hands are not free, he has to follow the outcome of the elections. That pretty much sets up Pence’s daily routine on January 6 – proclaiming Joe Biden the new president, offending Donald Trump with it, and then let’s go!

So far the jokes. But one thing is clear: the day will be uncomfortable for Pence. He has always been loyal to his boss and Donald Trump practically never forgives what he thinks is unfair. But on January 6, Pence’s hands are tied. Under the constitution, you can’t help but proclaim your political opponent the winner. The fact that he is aware of this, despite all the Trump camp’s plans to overthrow the congressional election result at the last minute, shows that his lawyers insisted on a rather bizarre legal dispute over his assignment during the June 6 session. To end January.

Mike Pence: The party puts him in a bind

Republican MP Louie Gohmert of Texas tried to force Pence through an idiosyncratic lawsuit legally to go beyond the ceremonial role so that Pence himself could overturn the results of the states. The vice president of the United States had the Department of Justice request the responsible judge to dismiss this lawsuit, arguing that the lawsuit was directed against the wrong person. Getting more powers for the vice president by filing a lawsuit against him is a legal contradiction. The responsible Texas judge followed this argument and dismissed the lawsuit.

Pence’s lawyers found a reason that did not offend their own political camp. In essence, however, Trump’s deputy made it clear in this way that he wants to behave in accordance with the constitution. A growing number of Republicans find themselves in a similar dichotomy. The disruptive actions planned by several deputies during the official reading of the election results on January 6 were criticized within the party. Republican Senator Ben Sasse called the plans of various party colleagues to oppose the election results in the congressional session “dangerous”. According to estimates from the ranks of the party, more than 100 Republicans in the House of Representatives could participate in the action. However, this should only lengthen the procedure. Democrat Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election cannot be shaken. This had been confirmed by a series of new charges and courts up to the Supreme Court.

Donald Trump “and his allies play with fire”

In a post that Sasse posted on Facebook, the senator broke allegations of election fraud by Trump and his supporters. There is no evidence for this. “The president and his allies are playing with fire.” In internal conversations he had heard from “not a single” Republican in Congress that there was any doubt about the outcome of the elections. They only cared how they would be in front of Trump’s most ardent supporters.

A group of Republican deputies from the House of Representatives and Republican Senator Josh Hawley announced that they would appeal the results of the individual states that day. This allows them to force both houses of congress to withdraw to separate sessions to debate the objection and ultimately vote whether to accept or reject it.

Leading Republicans Against Disruptive Action

Only if at least one member of the House of Representatives and at least one senator raise such an objection in writing will this process be initiated. And only if in the end both houses of Congress accept the objection by a simple majority, will this be successful. Given the majorities in Congress, there is no prospect that action by Republican politicians will result in more than delays. In the House of Representatives, Democrats have a majority and can crush an objection on their own.

Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger said he expected about 100 of his House colleagues to appeal. Broadcaster CNN reported on Friday, citing two unspecified Republican MPs, who expected a turnout of at least 140 fellow chamber party members. So far, only Hawley’s support in the Senate is known. Top Senate Republicans had objected to questioning the election results.

Sources: DPA News Agency, The Hill, BBC

