SPD takes a look at Health Minister Jens Spahn


Germany is vaccinated against the corona virus. However, too slowly and with too little vaccine, they criticize the critics. Pressure on Health Minister Jens Spahn is mounting, also with the coalition partner.

In the SPD, criticism of the management of the crisis from the crown of the federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, increases. After Secretary General Lars Klingbeil, MP Dirk Wiese now also harshly criticizes the minister of the coalition partner CDU. “I am currently horrified by Jens Spahn,” said SPD politician Wiese t-online. “As a responsible minister, you must finally do your job and get the obvious problems under control immediately.”

In recent days, Spahn had been under pressure from various sides. The CDU politician was criticized for, among other things, failure of the corona vaccines, the lack of speed and the amount of vaccine available. Spahn had defended himself several times from criticism. At the beginning of the vaccination, he was sporadically shaken and the vaccine was initially scarce for everyone, Spahn argued.

“Chaos around the start of vaccination”

SPD Secretary General Lars Klingbeil described “the chaos surrounding the start of vaccination” as “very upsetting”. Spahn now points the finger at the federal states. “The minister himself had months to prepare for the planned start of the vaccination,” Klingbeil told the “Rheinische Post.” A smooth organization is the job of the Federal Minister of Health.

Criticisms of Spahn come not only from the opposition and the government partner SPD, but also from academia. The main criticism here is that the vaccine order was too short. “I consider the current situation to be a great failure of those responsible,” said neurologist Frauke Zipp of the daily “Die Welt”. Zipp is a member of the Leopoldina National Academy of Sciences, which advises the federal government on the Corona crisis. “Why didn’t you order a lot more risk shots in the summer?” He asked.

The head of Biontech, Uğur Şahin, also spoke with the “Spiegel” is amazed by the EU vaccine strategy. “Many other companies were supposed to come with vaccines,” Şahin said. “Apparently the impression prevailed: we will have enough, it won’t be so bad, and we have it under control. I was surprised.”

“Citizens also expect a positive agenda”

The deputy of the SPD parliamentary group, Dirk Wiese, warns, despite the problems with vaccination and the high number of infections, to think about the prospects for the crown crisis. “The current situation will demand a lot from us,” Wiese told t-online. “However, in the long term, in addition to extending existing restrictions, we will also have to talk about the prospects for the industries in question now.”

If the numbers in one region were to drop significantly again, “then in some industries, it takes a certain amount of lead time and concepts to slowly return to rudimentary normality,” Wiese said. “Citizens do not expect new gloomy scenarios every day, but also a positive agenda from time to time.” This is also why vaccines are “an important sign.”
