The techno party on New Years Eve with 2,500 people in France is completely out of control


Panorama “Violent hostility”

New Year’s Eve party with 2,500 people in France is completely out of control

| Reading time: 3 minutes

Young people gather for an illegal rave party

New Year’s Eve was relatively quiet in Germany. Very different in France. There, young people gathered in Brittany for an illegal rave party. When the police want to break up the party, violence and riots break out.

In France, thousands gathered illegally to celebrate the turn of the year. When the police tried to end a techno party in Lieuron, they were violently attacked and evicted. The dissolution of the party still continues.

meIn western France, an illegal New Year’s Eve party with around 2,500 participants got completely out of hand: despite Corona requirements and curfew, ravers from different regions of France and abroad celebrated in the small town de Lieuron in Brittany.

The celebration continued until the New Year. It only started to dissolve on Saturday morning. The music had been turned off and numerous celebrators had left the premises since then, it was said from the prefecture of the Ille-et-Vilaine department in Brittany. There was no “police intervention”.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin wrote on Twitter that the rave party in Lieuron, south of Rennes, had been “ended non-violently” thanks to the numerous police officers on site and intensive screening. The police will monitor all participants when they leave the site and will issue warnings based on fees.

Coronavirus - France

Lieuron in France: gendarmes block access to the place of the big illegal party

Source: dpa / Jean-Francois Monier

According to the prefecture, the first partisans left the party around 5:30 am on Saturday morning. An association that campaigns for risk prevention at raves estimated the number of partygoers remaining at “a few hundred.”

When the police wanted to end the party on Thursday night, they were violently attacked and evicted. Interior Minister Darmanin called a special meeting on the situation.

Gendarmerie at the site of an abandoned hangar near Lieuron, about 40 kilometers south of Rennes, where they held around 2,500 people

Gendarmerie at the site of an abandoned hangar near Lieuron, about 40 kilometers south of Rennes, where around 2,500 people celebrated


During the riots, a police vehicle was set on fire and three others were damaged. Bottles and stones were thrown, officials were slightly injured. The prosecution opened an investigation into the violent clashes.

Police were stationed at intersections near the party Friday night and kept newly arrived partygoers out of the driveway, as an AFP photographer observed. According to the gendarmerie, those who left the premises were “systematically” controlled and more than 200 parking tickets were distributed. A helicopter had also flown over the area during the day.

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Many of the techno fans at the party were not wearing masks and were not keeping a safe distance. Helpers distributed disinfectant gel and masks to contain the risk of spreading the coronavirus. One raver reported that the party should last until Saturday; others even went as of Tuesday. Deputy Florian Bachelier from the region spoke of a “shame for our country.

The AFP news agency also distributed this photo from one of the hangars where party guests pose for the photographer.

The AFP news agency also distributed this photo from one of the hangars where party guests pose for the photographer.


An illegal party was also broken up in Marseille on New Year’s Eve; according to authorities, 300 people had attended the party. Security forces met with nearly 120 celebrators in an empty hangar in the Seine-et-Marne region east of Paris.

A massive increase in corona infections is feared in France. On Friday, the number of new infections in 24 hours was again around 20,000. Now the nightly curfew imposed to contain the coronavirus in France, which was also applied on New Year’s Eve, will begin in particularly affected areas from Saturday at 6 p.m. and not at 8 p.m.

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The curfew until 6 am applies in 15 regions of France, as the Paris government announced on Friday. For example, the department of the Alpes-Maritimes, including Nice, is affected. The other affected regions are mainly in the east of the country, Paris remains exempt from the new regulation for now.

“The virus continues to spread in France,” government spokesman Gabriel Attal said in Paris. A possible reopening of theaters, cinemas and concert halls originally planned for January 7 is out of the question.

The government spokesman also rejected criticism of delays in vaccinations against the corona virus. When told that only 330 vaccinations had been done, he replied that a vaccination campaign designed for six months could not be evaluated after “a few days”.
