Biontech wants to deliver more corona vaccine to the EU: the head of the company criticizes the EU strategy


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  • Moritz Serif

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The start of corona vaccination is bumpy in Germany. Now the heads of Biontech have ruled on the expansion of production. It is also announced that Biontech will deliver more crown vaccine to the EU.

  • the Impfcampaign against the corona virus * has started in Germany. But not everyone is satisfied with Jens Spahn’s planning *.
  • Well criticized Biontech-Chef Ugur Sahin the EU order for vaccines.
  • Follow the latest news about the corona virus *.

+++ 8:01 pm: the Corona vaccine from Mainz company Biontech has been vaccinated for a few days in the EU, the vaccine is in high demand and in short supply. There are already discussions among experts about whether the second vaccination could be postponed to have more vaccination capabilities. Well i want Biontech plus vaccine deliver to the European Union as planned. The company is “in advanced discussions about whether we can continue Vaccine dose from Europe to Europe this year ”, explained the head of the company Ugur Sahin in front of the dpa news agency. “We are working with the EU to further expand our production capacities and to be able to provide additional doses of vaccines.”

Biontech wants to deliver more corona vaccine to the European Union.

© Fabrizio Bensch / dpa

This week it was agreed with the EU Commission, another 100 million Vaccine dose to deliver. An option already agreed in the EU framework agreement was drawn: initially 200 million cans of Biontech vaccine with an option to purchase 100 million more units. This extension was contractually agreed a few days ago after the EU states announced the corresponding need. When asked, a company spokeswoman would not say how quickly a contract for additional deliveries could be finalized and what quantities are involved.

Biontech boss wonders about EU corona vaccination strategy

Updated on Friday, January 1, 2020 at 10:31 am: The Vaccine manufacturer Biontech of Mainz is working under high pressure to increase production capacities for the Vaccine for coronavirus expand. “At the moment it does not look rosy, there is a hole because there are no other approved vaccines and we have to fill this gap with our vaccine,” he said. Biontech-Chef Ugur Sahinwho runs the company together with his wife Özlem Türeci, the “Spiegel”. Germany but “he will get enough vaccine.” Sahin promises more security in planning: “By the end of January we will have clarity on whether and to what extent we can produce more.”

Corona Vaccine: Biontech boss Ugur Sahin explains why it is so difficult to increase production. (Symbol photo)


According to the Spiegel report, the US had 600 million doses of in July Biontech insured, twice that of the EU. The Europeans had not awarded the contract until November. Sahin explains why it took longer: “The process in Europe It is certainly not as quick and easy as in other countries. Also because the European Union it is not directly authorized, but the states have a voice. ”

Biontech boss Ugur Sahin: increasing corona vaccine production is “anything but trivial”

It is “anything but trivial” than Production of the corona vaccine increase in the short term. Biontech has already “commissioned five manufacturers in Europe to support the production,” said Özlem Türeci. “More contracts are being negotiated.” Recently, several politicians called for production of the vaccine to be accelerated, including Christian Lindner (FDP) and Markus Söder (CSU).

the Biontech and Pfizer vaccine it was approved in the EU shortly before Christmas and has also been administered for a few days. More approvals for Corona vaccines it does not exist in the EU until now. The international community has already ordered doses of vaccines from several manufacturers that are still in development. “Many other companies were supposed to come with vaccines. Obviously the impression prevailed: we will have enough, it won’t be so bad and we have it under control. That surprised me, ”Sahin said.

Ugur Sahin, Head of Biontech: The production of mRNA vaccines is very complex

On the question of whether Biontech Sahin emphasized the complexity of mRNA vaccine production that could be licensed to other manufacturers to produce the new vaccine. “You can’t just switch so that suddenly a vaccine is produced instead of aspirin or cough syrup. The process requires years of experience and adequate structural and technological equipment. “

The vaccination center in Frankfurt am Main. The vaccination center with dozens of vaccination booths and waiting area in the Frankfurt night club is deserted at the end of the year (photo taken with an extreme wide angle lens from the dome of the room).

© Boris Roessler, dpa

Corona vaccine: SPD asks Jens Spahn to act

Update Thursday, December 31, 2020 at 8 am.: The parliamentary manager of the SPD in the Bundestag, Carsten Schneider, has ministers of health Jens spahn drove the Difficulty starting vaccines. to fix quickly. “It is responsible for the acquisition and distribution of vaccines. That, and only that, must now be the number one priority for him, “said Schneider of the German press agency.” The Bundestag has provided him with the necessary skills and financial resources. The federal states are responsible for vaccination in the It is difficult to organize if it is not clear when and how much vaccine will arrive. “

Breakdown with corona vaccine: it is advisable to anticipate the next deliveries

+++ 5:26 pm: After the afternoon Vaccine supplies in Bavaria and Berlin the next installment should be anticipated. Consequently, the next batch of Biontech vaccine beautiful on January 8, said a spokesman for the Ministry of Health. “After that, the next installment will be on January 18, 2021, and thereafter initially weekly on Mondays.”

The hesitant delivery of the Vaccine it provoked widespread criticism. Confusion about the exact deadline for issuing the funds also generated discontent. The Bavarian State Secretary Klaus Holstschek said: “For career planning, we need reliable information about upcoming at an early stage. Vaccine delivery. “

Delivery of corona vaccine is delayed.

© Sven Hoppe / dpa

Update for Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 4:24 pm: There is currently one not only in Berlin Vaccine shortage. Bavaria is also affected. The “Bayerischer Rundfunk” reports on this. 17,000 people already have it Vaccine to receive. But it has to stay that way for now.

Because strong Bavarian Health Minister Melanie Huml Contrary to plans, the Free State will probably not receive any deliveries in the first week of January. For the politician it is at such high levels New corona infections incomprehensible. “The vaccination doses that were actually promised were already firmly planned in our vaccination centers,” he said. Starting on January 11, deliveries will begin rolling again.

Corona vaccine: Berlin delivery canceled – harsh criticism of Jens Spahn

First report of Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 4 pm: Berlin: the corona vaccine is still in short supply in Germany. And it is urgently needed as well, as more and more people die from or with Corona. In the coming year, there should be a significant expansion of the Corona vaccines give. Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) hopes that Moderna’s vaccine will be approved soon. Spahn assumes “expedited processing”, as reported by AFP.

In addition, another production plant for the preparation of Biontech and Pfizer start in Germany. “If all this works, we will be able to vaccinate the area faster than expected,” said Jens Spahn in Berlin. So far, more than 78,000 citizens have received the corona vaccine. Mainly people living in nursing homes received the vaccine.

Vaccination is already taking place in Hessen. Berlin, on the other hand, looks inside the tube.

© Andreas Arnold / dpa

Corona Vaccines – Jens Spahn criticism: “I’m angry”

But not everyone agrees with the vaccination campaign so far. Especially in the capital there was anger. “We have now received the message from the Federal Ministry of Health that the delivery will be canceled without replacement in the first calendar week,” he said. Berlin Health Minister Dilek Kalacyi in the “rbb”. You need a reliable delivery. In reality, the Spree metropolis would have received 58,500 doses of vaccination before the turn of the year.

Uncertainty about deadlines makes appointment making much more difficult. The vaccine is needed now. “I’m upset. The shortage of Vaccine it is still a problem for the start of vaccination in Germany, “he said. SPD secretary general Lars Klingbeil is also not satisfied.” I find that the chaos around vaccination starts very upsetting, “Klingbeil said of the” Rheinische Post ” from Düsseldorf.

Corona vaccines: Jens Spahn admits there are problems

The minister had months to prepare the campaign. “He has been given enough skills for this,” Klingbeil continued. as well Jens spahn I had to admit that there are problems. “Yes, it jerks in one place or another,” said the politician. Overall, however, the “largest vaccination campaign in German history has started successfully”. (Moritz Serif and Daniela Deeg with dpa and AFP) * is part of the Ippen digital publishing network nationwide.

List of rubrics lists: © Fabrizio Bensch / dpa
