2020 US elections: US Congress overrides Trump’s veto – politics


Most Americans have chosen Democrat Joe Biden as the next president of the United States. Still, the incumbent Donald Trump is trying to do everything he can to nullify Biden’s victory on the legal path. All news and updates at a glance:

The United States Congress overrides President Trump’s veto for the first time

Friday January 1, 8:40 pm: For the first time during Donald Trump’s tenure, the United States Congress overturned a presidential veto. After the House of Representatives, the Senate also overruled Trump’s veto on America’s defense budget package with the necessary two-thirds majority on Friday.

The annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) regulates a wide variety of defense-related issues, from the number of ships purchased to the payment of soldiers. It has been approved for 59 years in a row and is one of the few proposals that has the widespread support of both parties. However, Trump wants companies like Facebook to be more responsible for the content of their users and has demanded the corresponding step and other changes. Republican supporters of such measures have also said that the NDAA is not the place to be.

Record turnout in Georgia Senate runoff elections

Thursday, December 31, 9:40 pm: A few days before the Senate second round elections in the US state of Georgia, a record turnout is emerging. More than 2.8 million eligible voters took the opportunity to cast their ballot before the actual vote on January 5, according to published data. That’s already significantly more than in the 2008 Senate election, when a total of 2.1 million votes were cast.

Democrats and Republicans are running for two senatorial seats. The outcome decides whether future President Joe Biden can govern with the support of a parliamentary majority or has to deal with a divided Congress, which could make it very difficult for him to implement many projects or occupy important cabinet positions.

The second round was necessary because none of the candidates in the November 3 congressional elections could obtain the required absolute majority. So far, Republicans have held Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue. If they can defend at least one of the two seats, Republicans retain a majority in the Senate. However, if the Democrats, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossof, hold both seats, there will be a 50% deadlock. In the event of a tie in the vote in the House, it would be up to Vice President-elect Kamala Harris to make a decision with her right to vote. In fact, Democrats would have an advantage in both houses of Congress, because they already have a majority in the House of Representatives.

However, Republican Perdue will not be able to continue his campaign as planned. As he himself announced on Twitter, the politician will go into quarantine after someone on his team tests positive for the corona virus. The virus has not yet been detected in Perdue. Among other things, the incumbent was scheduled to appear alongside current US President Donald Trump.

Biden promises a faster vaccination rate

Wednesday, December 30, 8 am: United States President-elect Joe Biden vowed to massively promote coronavirus vaccines after taking office. Under outgoing President Donald Trump, the United States fell behind, Biden said Tuesday in Wilmington, Delaware. At the current rate, “it will take years, not months, to vaccinate the American people.” He will “move heaven and hell” to change that.

After he is president in a good three weeks, he will be vaccinated five to six times faster, so that up to a million doses of vaccines can be administered per day. His government’s goal is to make sure 100 million vaccines are administered in their first 100 days. “If Congress provides the means, we could achieve this incredible goal.” Still, it will be several months before most Americans are vaccinated, Biden admitted.

Biden swore to the Americans what was possibly the most difficult phase of the crown pandemic. “The next few weeks and months will be very tough, a very tough period for our nation. Perhaps the toughest of the entire pandemic,” he said. “I know it’s hard to hear, but it’s the truth.”

The United States is, if you look at the absolute numbers, the country with the most proven corona infections and confirmed deaths related to Covid-19 diseases. On average, around 180,000 new infections were recorded each day for the past seven days. According to the New York Times So far, more than 2.1 million people have been vaccinated against the coronavirus. There are about 330 million people in the United States.

Trump will return to the Supreme Court

Wednesday, December 30, 2020, 3:15 am: Lawyers for US President Donald Trump have made another attempt to challenge the outcome of the presidential election in the US state of Wisconsin. Trump’s campaign team filed a petition with the Washington Supreme Court to overturn a decision by the Wisconsin Supreme Court, a statement said Tuesday.

Most of the judges there had declined to hear a lawsuit in early December, with which Trump’s lawyers wanted, among other things, to ensure that more than 220,000 mailed ballots are not included in the tally. If the lawsuit is heard, as requested by the Trump camp, it would change the outcome in Wisconsin, Trump’s attorney Jim Troupis said. Legal experts doubt that the Supreme Court will even take up the case.

A Trump victory in Wisconsin would not have changed the outcome of the election. Overall, Democrat Joe Biden won the election by a clear margin. So far, Trump has not admitted defeat and claims that a massive fraud robbed him of a victory. Neither Trump nor his lawyers have provided any substantial evidence to back up these claims. So far, more than 50 lawsuits from the Trump camp have been rejected by the courts, including the Supreme Court.

The fact that Trump continues to occupy the courts despite his proven hopelessness should have to do primarily with money. Every day he asks his followers to donate money to cover legal costs. However, a donated amount of up to $ 5,000 goes to your campaign fund. It is only from the $ 5001 that is supposedly used to cover the costs of the litigation. Without new legal procedures, you would not be able to request new donations.

On January 6, Congress will read the results of the presidential election in the Electoral College, whose members will cast their votes in mid-December according to the electoral results in their states. Biden got 306 votes, Trump 232. Trump supporters are now demanding that Vice President Mike Pence, who also chairs the Senate as such, ignore the swing state votes that Biden won in the Jan.6 session. And instead of Biden, Trump declared the winner. This request doesn’t stand a chance either. Pence only has ceremonial powers in session.

Monday, December 28, 2020, 11:45 pm: US President-elect Joe Biden has warned of massive damage to national security due to incumbent Donald Trump’s administration lockdown. “Obstacles” in communication between government employees and their transition team could undermine the security of Americans, Biden said Monday in Wilmington, Delaware.

Biden said his team faced obstacles from the Defense Department’s political leadership and budget authority in obtaining the necessary information. The outgoing government does not provide all the necessary information in important areas. “That, in my opinion, is nothing short of irresponsibility,” Biden said. Biden’s team had previously complained that the Defense Ministry was canceling briefings and withholding information. The Pentagon rejected that.

His team needed a comprehensive view of the Defense Department’s budget process to avoid a mess or loopholes that “our opponents could try to exploit.” His advisers have concluded that major U.S. security authorities suffered enormous damage during Trump’s tenure. “A lot of them have been undermined in terms of staff, performance and morale,” Biden said.

After the end of Trump’s term, his successor believes that the United States will have to make peace with its international allies. There is currently a “great void”: the future government must regain the confidence of a world “that has begun to find ways to work around us or without us,” Biden said. “We will regain our credibility to lead the free world.”
