Corona: Why Europe has more vaccines than the European medical agency allows


In the Wesel district, they had suspected: for the start of the corona vaccination, the North Rhine-Westphalia district vaccination center selected a retirement home in the town of Moers, which is right next to a hospital. An ideal constellation in case the “Comirnaty” vaccine supplied by Biontech and Pfizer is sufficient in practice for many more vaccines than those officially planned.

The plan worked: After all 180 residents had been vaccinated as planned at the Bethanien Senior Citizen Center on Sunday afternoon, the vaccination team in Moers still had an impressive amount of the valuable active ingredient left – about 50 vaccine dose. The medical director of the vaccination center then made a quick decision: Doctors and nurses in the crown and intensive care units at Bethanien Hospital across the street received the excess vaccine on Monday.

Doctors had previously heard that the small glass vials in which “Comirnaty” is delivered contain more vaccine than the five doses that are allowed to be obtained according to the EU approval. Doctors on the vaccination team in Moers, who prepared the chilled active ingredient and carefully placed it in the syringes, even administered up to seven doses of vaccine per vial, says a Wesel district administration spokeswoman: “We are happy that the vaccine can be used efficiently and sensibly and did not go unused. “
