Corona aid package signed: Donald Trump, the fallero


AAt the end of the day, Donald Trump signed on Sunday night what he had called an “embarrassment” Tuesday: the crown aid package that had been negotiated by Congress and the administration for many months. In a whole series of angry tweets, Trump had raised his spirits against the crown’s $ 900 billion (about 740 billion euros) aid package from his home in Mar-a-Lago, Florida over Christmas. .

Even before Christmas, the White House had prepared everything for Trump to sign the 5,593-page legislative package: a desk was ready, pens for signing were ready. And Trump? He waited. His central point of criticism: After not having participated at all in the negotiations, he suddenly demanded a one-time payment of $ 2,000 (about 1,700 euros) for almost all Americans.

In the law, however, there is only $ 600 (about 490 euros), a sum that Trump’s own Secretary of the Treasury, Steven Mnuchin, negotiated and celebrated the work for it. Mnuchin praised the law as “fabulous.” And Trump? The president was still angry over a “measly” sum on Saturday. On Sunday he put his signature on the package that provides for the “miserable” 600 euros. The “shame” package (Trump).

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Donald trump

For days, the incumbent president, who has to leave the White House in three weeks, showed his own Secretary of the Treasury, Steven Mnuchin. Friends of the party in Congress, who had approved the aid package with an unusually large, nonpartisan majority, were also indirectly targeted by Trump.

Trump had followed the negotiations, which had been led by Mnuchin, the Republican Majority Leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, and the Democratic Speaker in the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, completely disinterested.

It was like so many times: Trump, who likes to present himself as a great negotiator, does not even negotiate because he is not interested in details and considers the laborious search for consensus too exhausting. Just as one already has the impression that Trump is no longer in power, one ignores his own actions (“electoral fraud”) and the pardons of relatives and political friends.

The damage is great

After the green light from Congress, Trump initially remained silent, resisted, canceled the planned signing, blocked the law, played golf multiple times, and raged on Twitter, until he relented Sunday night. What a drama. Trump the garbage man.

The damage caused by the days of procrastination and din is great. Millions of unemployed have not received so far neither the check of 600 dollars nor the weekly aid of 300 dollars (about 245 euros). Both were promised by Trump’s finance minister for these days. As a result of the Corona crisis and the severe recession, ten million Americans lost their jobs.

“What the president is doing right now is incredibly cruel,” left-wing Democratic senator Bernie Sanders said Sunday before Trump’s 180-degree turn: “A lot of people are doing it wrong.” Democrats and numerous Republicans had urged Trump to sign. The Republican Governor of Maryland, Larry Hogan, was stunned by the president’s unpredictability. “I’ve stopped guessing what to do next,” Hogan said.

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More recently, pressure on Trump had increased, with the threat of a supposed government stalemate (“shutdown”) on Tuesday. Background: The Corona aid package is linked to a budget bill worth 1.4 trillion dollars (1.15 trillion euros), which will finance the operation of the federal government until September 2021.

While Trump did not appear publicly over the weekend, the written statement he sent for his signature Sunday night reads like self-justification. “As President of the United States, it is my responsibility to protect the people of our country from the economic devastation and hardships caused by the China virus,” it reads. He told Congress that he wanted “less waste and more money for the American people.” Trump means one-time payments of $ 2,000 per adult and $ 600 per child.

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The Republican Party, which has always rhetorically lashed out at a rampant state, is unlikely to follow him here. Republicans have a majority in the Senate. Some Republicans are already considering a $ 600 lump sum for socialist devil things. Democrats want to vote in the House of Representatives this Monday on the one-time payment of $ 2,000 requested by Trump. Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic Speaker of the House, wants to show off to Republicans in this way. Do you support the slogans of the president, who is already responsible for the largest national debt in the United States? Or are they turning their back on you?

The president must “immediately urge Republicans in Congress to end their obstruction,” Pelosi said Sunday night. Democrats wanted to take the $ 2,000 check to plenary. “Every Republican vote against this bill is a vote that denies the difficult financial situation of families and denies the American people needed help,” says Pelosi, who for weeks put off adopting an aid package for reasons electoral.

After his sudden 180 degree turn Sunday night, Trump threatens another defeat on Monday. The House of Representatives wants to vote on Trump’s veto on the defense budget (740 billion dollars, about 610 billion euros). This had also been approved by both houses of Congress with a broad nonpartisan consensus.

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With a two-thirds majority, both houses of Congress can override Trump’s veto. The Senate, in which Republicans have a majority, could vote Tuesday. Trump is angry at the defense budget law because it is blocking the withdrawal of American soldiers from Germany for the time being. The law is a “gift” to China and Russia. Trump is also opposed to renaming military facilities that had previously been dedicated to the Civil War Confederates.

If Congress overrides Trump’s veto, it would be the first in the president’s nearly four-year term, and only shortly before the inauguration of his successor Joe Biden on January 20, 2021. These are not late glory days. of the fall of Donald Trump’s political career.
