No big demonstrations until spring: the initiator of “lateral thinking” Ballweg announces a hiatus of several months – politics


The initiator of “Think outside the box”, Michael Ballweg, has asked people to adhere to the ban on thinking outside the box in Berlin at the turn of the year. In a video message posted on the Internet on Christmas Eve, he asked to “accept the ban on demonstrations in Berlin and on December 30, December 31. and in 1.1. not go to Berlin ”.

On Wednesday, the police announced that they had banned the demonstration of “lateral thinking” against government restrictions in the crown crisis scheduled for December 30 in Berlin. In view of the pandemic, such a demonstration would pose an immediate threat to public safety and order, police said. 22,500 participants were announced for the large-scale demonstration.

It was originally planned for New Year’s Eve under the motto “Welcome 2021 – the year of freedom and peace.” However, with the latest Crown regulation, the Berlin Senate had imposed a blanket ban on meetings on December 31 and January 1. Politicians feared the police would be overloaded if they had to monitor compliance with Corona rules at the end of the year, busy days anyway, and accompany the large demonstration.

Due to the ban on gathering on New Year’s Eve, the organizers of the “lateral thinking” had brought the demonstration forward one day. Ballweg had previously said that he wanted to demand the ban.

Ballweg seeks other organizers for large demonstrations

In his Christmas Eve video message, he announced that he would no longer initially record any major manifestations of “lateral thinking.” With this winter retreat, he said, strength should be gathered for the spring.

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“For this reason, I will not register any more large demonstrations in the future,” Ballweg said. He also recommends this to other “lateral thinking” groups in Germany. At the same time, he called for an organization to be created that would record a large-scale demonstration “in the near future”. He’s also happy with everyone who is active and holding smaller meetings.

Green parliamentary deputy reacts with sarcasm

The deputy leader of the Greens in the Bundestag, Konstantin von Notz, responded to Ballweg’s announcement with sarcasm on Friday morning. “Meetings for the purpose of promoting the safety of Covid-19 are apparently too dangerous at the moment,” von Notz wrote on Twitter.
