Chaos at the White House: Employees receive cryptic emails – politics abroad


Donald Trump (74) spends the Christmas holidays in Florida and leaves the political chaos in Washington.

With objections at the last minute, the president has for the moment suspended funding for the United States military and a massive stimulus package from the crown. Congress must now try to save what can be saved. But close Trump employees are restless, too, for an entirely different reason.

▶ ︎ Firstly, the white man’s employees were informed by email that they should slowly pack their things and vacate their workplaces starting next week. Cleaning of refrigerators and microwave ovens was also explicitly requested. The orderly transfer of low-ranking employees should begin on January 4.

▶ ︎ However, just 20 minutes later, a new email read: The first email should be ignored.

Trump claims so far that he will simply continue to rule.

“The truth is: we won the elections with a landslide victory,” said the latter. And also that he has evidence of “overwhelming electoral fraud.”

The president even recently threatened not to vacate the Oval Office on the day power was handed over (January 20).

Am 23. Dezember flogen Donald Trump und seine Frau Melania ins Urlaubsdomizil nach FloridaPhoto: REUTERS

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On December 23, Donald Trump and his wife Melania flew to the vacation home in Florida.Photo: REUTERS

Trump increasingly surrounds himself with radical advisers who encourage him in outlandish conspiracy theories such as “rigged voting computers” or even demand the declaration of martial law, like the pardoned ex-general Michael Flynn (62).

During these days of chaos in the Oval Office, special investigators were called in to examine the American election and the businesses of Biden’s son Hunter (50).

It is also feared that these extreme numbers could encourage Trump to take radical action in his final days in office.

More recently, there were even shouting matches in the West Wing between regular staff and new Whisperers from outside the White House.

However, the political challenges posed by Trump’s defiant “veto policy” are significant:

▶ ︎ First he vetoed the financing package for US defense (amount: 740 billion dollars). He did not like the passage according to which some military bases named after civil war generals must be renamed. Now Congress wants to override Trump’s veto with a supermajority next Monday.

▶ ︎ More serious are the possible consequences of a new veto threat: So far Trump has blocked a crown aid package ($ 900 billion) approved by Congress, 5593 pages thick. You want direct aid payments to Americans in the amount of $ 2,000; so far only $ 600 is planned.

It’s a game with fire: Because without your signature you can no longer pay unemployment benefit. In the worst case, the US government could even close again.

Trump is now following the chaos he created from his Florida Mar-a-Lago resort, where he spends the holidays.

Above all, it has long been a showdown with his own party: Trump is frustrated that his party colleagues are not giving him greater support on his baseless allegations of voter fraud.

Especially Senate Leader Mitch McConnell (78) had recently made it clear that nothing could be shaken about Biden’s victory. Trump was enraged and spoke of treason.

Dramas erupted at the end of the Trump era with a president increasingly “unhappy, unleashed and unpredictable,” according to the US media. “He has no power to get away with it, to figure out how not to leave office as a loser,” says the New York Times.

Party strategists are alarmed that a vengeful Trump is driving a wedge in his own party – because on January 5, two runoff elections in the state of Georgia are still a majority in the Senate!

If the two Democratic candidates Jon Ossof and Raphael Warnock win against Republicans David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, the Democrats could also gain power in the Senate. McConnell would have been ousted and Biden would have a majority in both houses of Congress after taking office.
