Status: 23.12.2020 3:27 am

Now, even after his term is over, no one can harm him: Russian President Putin has signed a law that protects him and his family from criminal prosecution for life.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law guaranteeing former Russian heads of state protection from criminal prosecution. He also personally benefits from this. After you leave office, you do not have to wait for an investigation against you. Therefore, Putin should not be questioned or even arrested by the police or the prosecution.

The new regulation also applies to your family. Until now, the inviolability of the presidents only applied to all actions during the mandate. From now on, the immunity also applies to all possible criminal offenses that become known after the end of the presidency. For example, former President Dimitri Medvedev is now safe from prosecution.

Putin could remain in office until 2036

The new law also introduces greater barriers to the withdrawal of immunity. In theory, this would only be possible in the case of a high treason or felony charge. The corresponding procedure would have to be initiated by the Duma, the Russian parliament. The final decision would then rest with the Federation Council. However, in the future, former presidents will have a lifetime right to a seat in the Senate or the Federation Council. This, in turn, would protect against prosecution.

In the summer, Putin obtained broad powers through a constitutional reform. Now he could remain in office until 2036. However, the 68-year-old Kremlin leader has so far left open whether he will run again in the next election in 2024.

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