Chaos around the wreath rules at Christmas? Police turn to the population for controls


Munich – Too many Revelers Under the Christmas tree? the Police union has asked the population to Christmas none is suspected Crown rape alert investigators.

“I would go to the first myself neighbors go and, if there are really too many people, ask them to follow the rules ”, he explained Jörg Radek, Federal Vice President of the Police Union (GdP), in front of Süddeutsche Zeitung. “You don’t always have to call the police right away. These pandemic it requires a bit of moral courage from all of us, ”Radek clarified.

the policeman He will not “go from house to house for no reason and count how many people are sitting at the table,” he said. “That wouldn’t even work, it would be a violation of that Fundamental right the integrity of the apartment. But if we Suggestions We understand that the rules are being violated somewhere, so we will investigate. ”

Also apply during holidays Contact restrictions, great Family meetings They are not allowed. One of the most famous Bavarians faces a lonely Christmas party: the prime minister Markus Söder has become quarantine go after getting a Confident with the Coronavirus infected.

On the general development of the pandemic and the situation of the crown in Munich We will keep you updated on our news ticker. (lks / dpa)

Survey: How is the corona pandemic living?

How is your well-being, your social contacts, your work situation changing? in a large-scale study The non-profit research institute ISDC wants to find out what the pandemic means to us socially, psychologically and economically. You, dear readers, can participate in this survey and win: the ISDC will be raffled off among all participants in December. ten shopping vouchers worth 50 euros each. The survey takes about 15 minutes. All data will be treated confidentially. Upon completion of the study, we will report on the results for the different districts and districts.
Participation is only possible online at the link:
The International Center for Security and Development (ISDC) in Berlin has been dealing with the effects of crises in different countries and regions on the population for years. The institute conducts research in developing countries, but also investigates the consequences of 9/11 terrorism. Now scientists are particularly interested in the effects that different life situations, for example in the big city or in the countryside, have on how people cope with the pandemic. Please, dear readers, help to find out more about it!
