Rape of the crown at Christmas? “Don’t call the police right away”
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Police officers check the mask requirement in Hamburg city center which is decorated for Christmas
Quelle: pa / dpa / Bodo Marks
Before the holidays, the police union calls for “moral courage.” If too many people gather in the neighboring apartment, you can seek the conversation first instead of calling the officers immediately.
reThe police union has asked people not to notify investigators at Christmas of any alleged violation of the crown. “First I would go to the neighbors myself and, if there are really too many people, I would ask them to respect the rules,” said Jörg Radek, federal vice president of the Police Union (GdP), of the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”. “.
“You don’t always have to call the police right away. This pandemic also requires a little moral courage from all of us. “
Police will not “go from house to house for no reason and count how many people are sitting at the table,” he said. “That would not work at all, it would be a violation of the basic right to the integrity of the apartment. But if we have clues that the rules are being violated somewhere, then we investigate. “
Increased police presence at the end of the year
During the Christmas and New Years holidays, contact restrictions apply due to Corona, large family gatherings are not allowed. The federal states have issued different rules on the number of meetings allowed.
In several federal states, the police have announced that they will increase their presence in public spaces in order to control corona requirements together with regulatory authorities. According to the Federal Vice President of the GoP, it is also about protecting vaccination centers. So there is “the prognosis that vaccination centers could be attacked.”
On New Year’s Eve, it’s also about enforcing the ban on gatherings. In Berlin, for example, there is a ban on meeting on December 31 and January 1. Stuttgart’s “lateral thinking” initiative is considering filing a lawsuit against it. He had recorded a large demonstration on the afternoon of December 31 on the Straße des 17. Juni between the Brandenburg Gate and the Großem Stern with 22,500 participants.