Siren warning: chemical accident in the Höchst industrial park


meThe alarm was raised in the Frankfurt-Höchst industrial park on Monday evening after hydrogen chloride leaked at one of the companies located there. Residents were warned by sirens and urged to stay in their houses and apartments. As is common in such cases, keep windows and doors closed.

As announced by a spokesman for the Frankfurt professional fire brigade, the alarm went off around 7.30 pm It turned out that there had been a leak in a production building in the northern part of the industrial park. The plant’s fire brigade is still in the process of closing the leak and knocking down the emerging vapors with water mist.

A professional fire department spokesperson said upon request that the scope was manageable. If all residents adhered to the guidelines, they were not exposing themselves to any health risks. Previous measurements would not have resulted in critical values.

The fire department reported on the incident, among other things, on its Twitter channel. The Katwarn app also sent a corresponding warning.

A citizen telephone is turned on for the residents of the industrial park. You can find out the current situation by calling 069 / 305-4000.
