Corona chaos at German airports: 10 passengers tested positive – News


According to information from the BILD authorities, at least ten infected passengers have been identified in the last flights of passengers from Great Britain that landed in Germany.

As the BILD learned, the infected were aboard several planes that landed in Berlin, Stuttgart, Hannover and Dortmund on Sunday.

In Hamburg there were seven positive cases from the three British drivers last night. Federal police at the airport confirmed it. However, it is still open if they have the mutated version or the normal version.

Due to the mutation of the corona virus that occurred in Britain, there has been a landing ban at several German airports and in other European countries since midnight. At airports, passengers were isolated, had to undergo corona tests, and spend the night in airport camp beds, all together in one room.

Infected with quarantined transport to destination

63 passengers were stranded at Hannover airport on Sunday night. One returned to Britain immediately. One of the other 62 passengers tested positive for Corona.

The Hannover region announced on Monday. More laboratory tests should now clarify whether the passenger was infected with the new, particularly contagious, variant of the corona virus.

According to information from the BILD, the affected passenger and his companions were taken to their destination in a quarantine transport on Monday night.

Due to the new variant of the corona virus, the entry of passengers from Great Britain flights at several German airports was initially halted on Sunday evening. As of midnight, Germany banned flights from the UK anyway.

However, Stuttgart cannot yet confirm the infection. According to Andrea Wangner, Esslingen district press spokesperson, 150 passengers and crew were tested. “All were negative and they were allowed to leave the airport without any problem. The accommodations were not used for the night. “

The answers are still pending from Dortmund and Berlin.

Ein Bild aus der Nacht. Menschen liegen auf Feldbetten, haben dünne blaue Decken bekommenPhoto: private

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A photo of the night. People are lying on camp beds with thin blue blanketsPhoto: private

“Our aim was to prevent the new type of virus from going unnoticed in Lower Saxony,” said the region’s president, Hauke ​​Jagau.

The last to leave the closed Terminal D: London’s Zenip (52) and Nona (22). Zenip: “We had to endure twelve hours, sleeping on the floor. It was cold because the skylights were open. Simply terrible ”. He wants to spend Christmas days with his nephew in Hannover.

Zenip (52) und Nona (22) aus London sind froh, die Nacht gut überstanden zu habenPhoto: Henning Scheffen

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Zenip (52) and Nona (22) from London are happy to have survived the night wellPhoto: Henning Scheffen

Nona (22) visits her cousin in Salzgitter for a month: “You didn’t tell us why we were there. He spoke very little to us. And in the end, when the negative result came up, don’t even apologize for the inconvenience. Great reception in Germany. That was horror. ”
