ISIS women are back in Germany: one of them was immediately arrested – internal politics


ISIS women from Kurdish prison camps in Northern Syria are in Germany! They landed in Frankfurt am Main on Sunday morning.

For the first time, the federal government itself took action and brought captured German ISIS members from northern Syria to Germany, as BILD reported yesterday.

According to information from the BILD, the three adult women are Leonora M. (21) from Sangerhausen, Merve A. (24) from Hamburg and Yasmin A. from Bonn, and several children also flew with them.

▶ ︎ Immediately after entering the country, Leonora M. was arrested! Officials of the State Criminal Investigation Office in Saxony-Anhalt had an arrest warrant with them: it is suspected that she is a member of a terrorist organization abroad, that she is an accessory to a crime against humanity and that she violates the arms law .

Die aus Syrien zurückgebrachten Kinder werden nach der Ankunft Betreuern übergebenPhoto: Jürgen Mahnke

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Children returned from Syria are handed over to caregivers upon arrival.Photo: Jürgen Mahnke

Die Maschine mit den ISIS-Frauen am Terminal 2 des Frankfurter Flughafens am SonntagmorgenPhoto: Jürgen Mahnke

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The machine with the ISIS women in Terminal 2 of the Frankfurt airport on Sunday morningPhoto: Jürgen Mahnke

The Foreign Ministry chartered a plane for the long-planned return transport of three women and their children, as well as several orphans from the Kurdish camps, and the flight was accompanied by federal police officers.

The plane from northern Iraq landed at the Frankfurt / Main airport on Sunday morning. The plane had made a stop in Vienna.
