Jan Böhmermann sings about the crown deniers with a children’s choir


Panorama “ZDF Magazin Royale”

Böhmermann sings about the crown deniers with a children’s choir

| Reading time: 2 minutes

Jörg Rößner

Jan Böhmermann sings the song with the WDR children's choir Jan Böhmermann sings the song with the WDR children's choir

Jan Böhmermann sings the song “Meine Oma 2.0” with the WDR Children’s Choir

Source: ZDF Magazin Royale

ZDF satirist Jan Böhmermann records a new song “My Grandma …” with a children’s choir. But this time the fictional grandmother does not commit any climatic sin, but instead acts as a denier of the crown.

meIn December 2019, a song by the WDR children’s choir caused great excitement in Germany: in a satirical video, children sang “My grandmother is an old environmental pig” to the well-known children’s song “My grandmother rides a motorcycle in the chicken coop”. Among other things, he said: “My grandmother rides a motorcycle in the chicken coop. That’s a thousand liters of super every month. My grandmother is an old environmental bastard. “And furthermore:” My grandmother drives the doctor in a van, runs over two grandparents with a walker. “

This was followed by fierce criticism, including from North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU), for whom the station “pushed the limits of style and respect for the elderly.” “Instrumentalizing the young against the old is not acceptable.” WDR Director Tom Buhrow was quick to react: “The video with Grandma’s failed song was a mistake. I apologize for this without any buts. “

The satirist Jan Böhmermann alludes to this with a new song by a children’s choir in the latest issue of this year’s “ZDF Magazin Royale”. But this time the fictional grandmother does not commit any climatic sin, but instead acts as a denier of the crown.

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“In order for the curse of 2020 to be broken, we end the year as it started: with the WDR boys ‘choir,” said Böhmermann in his introduction to the recording, although it is not the WDR boys’ choir, but rather the “Lucky” choir. Kids “is part of Cologne’s own Rheinischer Musikschule. “So that next year is better.”

“My grandmother knows that there is no Corona, Corona, Corona. She no longer believes in the” themes of the day “or in the MoMa. My grandmother saw the game from the beginning”, the song begins. So, the fact is that the grandmother “Celebrates après-ski in Ischgl” because “he does not feel the social distance”, but seeks “excitement” and wants to have fun. Also, the grandmother has a group on Telegram, the cough and fever do not matter to her: “My Grandma has already recognized the truth. “

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“My grandmother storms the Reichstag, the Reichstag, the Reichstag in black, white, and red,” begins the fourth stanza. “So someone ‘up there’ can finally let me know. My grandmother is now coughing in resistance ”. In the last verse, which he sings together with Böhmermann, the bitter joke follows: “My grandmother has been in a coma since the day before yesterday, in a coma, in a coma. With a plastic tube in your tracheostomy. The pandemic is over and so is my grandmother. “

The video was viewed a good 60,000 times on YouTube as of noon on Saturday.

In an earlier version of the text, the boys’ choir was erroneously named “WDR Boys Choir.” We fixed the bug.
