Wind power banned in the forest: CDU challenges the red-red-green yes


Red-Red-Green are four votes from their own majority in state parliament. Therefore, the coalition has agreed to a “stability pact” with the CDU, limited in time and related to the project. The agreement also provides for the joint dissolution of the state parliament after the budget has been approved and new elections begin. These could take place in April 2021.

Stasi review of MPs continues

The state parliament also unanimously extended the review of members of parliament for cooperation with the Ministry of State Security or the political department of the GDR criminal investigation department (“K1”). Regulations for this have been included in the law of parliament, previously there was a separate law. According to CDU member Christian Herrgott, Thuringia’s regulation is similar to that of other East German state parliaments.

The creation of an independent commission for the review is foreseen. Its members will be elected by the state parliament. The commission should inform the state parliament and therefore the public about its results. As before, there are no direct consequences for elected officials who have worked with the Stasi. The new version of the law was necessary because the previous legal regulation expired at the end of the sixth term in October 2019.

Most accept a higher transmission rate

The state parliament also approved the increase in the radio license fee by 86 cents to 18.36 euros per month per household. Left-wing MPs, SPD and Greens, as well as much of the CDU parliamentary group, voted for the state treaty regulating this increase. Parliamentary groups FDP and AfD, as well as individual members of the CDU, voted against the state treaty.

Representatives from the left, SPD, Greens, CDU and FDP made it clear in the debate that they see a considerable need for reform in public broadcasting. The parties see East Germany inappropriately taken into account, criticize shortcomings in program design, complain about dual structures and funding of individual institutions. Green MP Madeleine Henfling stressed that the contribution safeguards the independence of the public service broadcaster. CDU’s Mike Mohring, who is also a broadcasting councilor, said, “We need this public broadcasting service. But we also need quality competition with the private sector.” The AfD made clear its position to limit public broadcasting to its core tasks.

Source: MDR THÜRINGEN / sec / dpa
