Cyber ​​Attack on the US Government: Nuclear Agency Affected?


The United States government has been a victim of hacker attacks. Particularly concerning: The agency responsible for the country’s nuclear arsenal may also be affected.

The US agency for cyber and infrastructure security, Cisa, classifies the recent cyber attack on US government facilities as a “serious threat.” Cisa announced in a warning Thursday that removing the attacker from affected systems would likely be “very complex.” The hacker attack has been going on since March at least. The perpetrator or perpetrators have demonstrated “patience, operational security and complex dexterity”.

The US Atomic Weapons Agency was apparently attacked

Cisa classified the attack as a “serious threat” to the federal government, state and local governments, critical infrastructure and private sector organizations. The Washington Post and the New York Times reported that the attackers were hackers with ties to the Russian secret service. The Russian government rejected this.

Meanwhile, the US magazine “Politico” reported that the attack had also affected the US agency, which is in charge of the US nuclear arsenal. The Department of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) found evidence that hackers also accessed their networks, “Politico” reported, citing government officials. The three national nuclear laboratories Sandia and Los Alamos in New Mexico and Richland in Washington had been the target.

Microsoft is also affected by a hacker attack

Furthermore, not only ministries and authorities, but also the software company Microsoft were affected by the attack. Microsoft confirmed on Thursday (local time) that a defective version of the software from US manufacturer Solarwinds had been discovered within the group. The attackers used Solarwinds network management software as a gateway. Microsoft management emphasized that previous investigations did not provide any information that hackers used Microsoft’s systems to attack customers.

Future US President Joe Biden announced Thursday that such attacks would not go unanswered under his administration. Those responsible would be held accountable in coordination with the allies. “Our opponents must know that as president, I will not sit idly by cyber attacks on our nation.” What is known about the recent attack is very worrying. Biden said, “My administration will make cybersecurity a top priority at all levels of government.”

The US House of Representatives, dominated by Biden’s Democrats, announced Thursday that several committees and subcommittees had launched a joint investigation into the attack. The attack “could have devastating consequences for the national security of the United States,” said the letter from the chairmen of several House committees to intelligence coordinator John Ratcliffe, current Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf and FBI chief Christopher. Wray.
