Chancellor Angela Merkel faces crown crossfire in the Bundestag


The second hard blockade in Germany has begun and the chancellor once again had to defend her course in the crown crisis in front of parliament. How was the debate in the Bundestag?

For the last time this year, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had to face the questioning of members of the Bundestag on Wednesday. The course of the federal government in the crown pandemic was expected to be one of the central themes. Because on Wednesday the second hard blockade began since the beginning of the crisis.

The debate can be read on the ticker.

2:11 pm: The President of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble, completes the last government poll of the year.

2:03 pm: AfD’s Martin Sichert asks Merkel if American fast food chains are more important to her than family restaurants and why the latter received less help than McDonalds. Fast food chains are certainly not more important to her, says the Chancellor. He was unable to make concrete commitments, but Merkel promised that Finance Minister Altmaier would take up the issue again.

1:52 pm: Fabio De Masi (left) addresses the Wirecard scandal. The politician wants to know why the chancellor lobbied for the company at the highest level in China, even though a government employee advised against her. Florian Toncar of the FDP is also following up on this and addresses the role of former Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg. Merkel, however, does not provide specific answers here. She only says that she will comment on this in the investigation committee of the Bundestag.

1:38 pm: AfD MP Uwe Witt talks about the upcoming campaign to vaccinate the “population of our homeland”. He talks about “genetically modified vaccines” and wants to know if the federal government will report on the side effects of the active ingredients. The chancellor said: “From your question, I suspect that you are not a fan of vaccines.” Laughter in the hall. Merkel asks Witt not to talk about genetically modified vaccines. The Biontech and Pfizer vaccine contains “genetic components.” There will be all transparency regarding available vaccines, says Merkel, stressing again that there will be no mandatory vaccination. But if not enough people are vaccinated, you will have to wear a mask for a long time.

1:25 pm: Gesine Lötzsch (left) wants to know who will pay the bill for the expensive corona packages. Does the federal government want to attract more billionaires? Merkel says the key question is how more growth can be achieved. Because this is the best way to solve the income situation.

1:20 pm: Christine Aschenbach-Dugnus of the FDP criticizes the practice of distributing free FFP2 masks to vulnerable groups. Long lines had formed in front of pharmacies and there was talk of chaotic conditions. The politician wants to know if it was not necessary to distribute the masks to those affected by the contagion situation. The Chancellor responded that the procedure was currently feasible. It ensures that a specific distribution will be made in January.

1:13 pm: The head of AfD, Tino Chrupalla, begins to question the chancellor. He wants to know if the German government intends to restart relations with the Russian government. Merkel responded that the fact that there were serious events cannot be ignored. He referred to the poisoning of Kremlin critic Alexej Navalny and the assassination attempt at Berlin’s Kleiner Tiergarten. It is the wish of the Federal Government to establish a good relationship with Moscow. “But you must not close your eyes to reality,” Merkel emphasizes. In this context, Germany follows a very honest policy towards Moscow.

13.09 clock: Merkel expressed her hope that a trade deal with the UK, which is leaving the Union, will be concluded over the weekend. A deal is better than nothing, he said. But you also have to be prepared in case of “no deal”.

1:07 pm: The Chancellor first commented on the end of the German Council Presidency in the EU. Merkel said that not everything that the federal government has set out to do has been achieved. He also highlighted the completion of the EU budget for the coming years, which had been preceded by tough negotiations.

1:05 pm: Chancellor Merkel took the floor.

At the request of the CDU / CSU and the SPD, the Bundestag also wants to discuss the implementation of the national vaccination strategy. The first coronavirus vaccine could be approved in the EU before Christmas. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) announced in Amsterdam on Tuesday that it would present its opinion on the vaccine from the Mainz company Biontech and its US partner Pfizer on December 21.
