Gradual effect only: Montgomery awaits closure for Easter


Only gradual effect
Montgomery awaits closing for Easter

Germany will go into lockdown to combat corona infections before Christmas and will likely remain there until well past the turn of the year. World Medical President Montgomery expresses what many already fear. There could still be strict measures in Easter 2021.

World Medical President Frank Ulrich Montgomery expects the harsh crown lockdown in Germany, which has been in place today, to extend beyond January 10. The model’s calculations showed that the strict lockdown will drive the number of nine infections nationwide at the earliest since the end of January below the value of 50 cases per 100,000 residents in seven days, Montgomery told the Funke media group. Therefore, citizens must be prepared for the continuation of the strict rules.

Montgomery also expects there to be various lockdown measures in Germany until Easter. “Even if vaccinations start earlier than expected, the effect will only gradually improve the situation,” he said.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) announced Tuesday that it would decide on the approval of the vaccine from Mainz-based company Biontech and US group Pfizer on December 21, eight days ahead of the previously scheduled date. This means that the first vaccinations could start in the EU this year.

Risk of new waves

In the new year, politicians should “rush nothing” by easing the crown’s measures, Montgomery warned. After the hard blockade, the country should only “slowly thaw again.” If this process proceeds too quickly, there is a high risk that the country will soon be caught in an even bigger pandemic wave.

With each new wave, the virus spreads with more force in the population and then it must be fought with increasingly harsh measures, explained the world medical president. “We have to avoid a yo-yo effect in the confinement phases,” he emphasized.

The hard lock now in effect is limited to January 10. Probably on January 5, the federal and state governments want to discuss whether the rigorous restrictions can be extended.

As part of the tough lockdown that went into effect on Wednesday, many stores must remain closed and only everyday items can be sold. Schools are closing, kindergartens should only have emergency operations. There is a strict ban on alcohol in public spaces. Employers are asked to declare company vacations or to set up home offices so that people across the country can generally stay at home.
