Status: December 15, 2020 12:17 am

The Electoral Council has officially confirmed the victory of Joe Biden in the presidential elections of the United States. Voting is usually a formality, but because of Trump, who is still in office, everything is different this year.

In voting by the electorate in the United States, President-elect Joe Biden received the 270 votes necessary to enter the White House. That night his electoral victory in early November was sealed. Biden reached the required mark of 270 with California voters.

During the course of the day, the men and women of the so-called Electoral College in every US state vote for either Biden or the current Donald Trump, depending on the results of the elections in their respective states.

Trump still unsuccessfully fighting defeat

The process prior to taking office on January 20 is usually a formality. Yet Trump still refuses to acknowledge defeat and has so far fought to no avail in court to prevent the election result from being reversed. It has also ruled before the United States Supreme Court.

The results of the Electoral College will now be sent to Washington and will be counted on January 6, when the two houses of Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives, will meet in joint session.

At first